Halo Infinite Release Date Confirmed – Again

Halo infinite release date
For real this time! | © 343 Industries

Remember when Halo Infinite was supposed to release? We neither, but now Halo Infinite has a new release date, again. Will it get delayed again? We have all the details.

Halo Infinite is the tenth game in the Halo franchise and if it actually comes out in 2021 it'll also mark the game's 20-year anniversary. The first Halo game, Halo: Combat Evolved, was released all the way back on November 15, 2001. That's a long time ago. The most recent Halo title fans got to enjoy was Halo Wars 2 in 2017. Ever since then it's a game of patience and a tough one at that.

Halo Infinite and Its Delays

Halo Infinite was initially announced with a trailer at E3 2018.

Infinite was initially supposed to get a release at some point in 2020 and we even got to see an 8-minute demo. Then it got delayed to 2021. The global pandemic certainly played a key role but it wasn't the sole reason for it as 343 shared they're facing development challenges.

That was the first delay, and most fans were happy to wait a bit longer considering the situation. A few months later, 343 had another change of heart and announced that the game will be launching after the fall of 2021. The news came from a blog post:

I joined 343i right as the team was wrestling with feedback from the July campaign demo. This discussion boiled down to one fundamental truth: we needed more time to do things right. That included pushing hard in the Fall, giving the team time to recharge over the Holidays, and then coming back in January to finish the game at a healthy pace. Because Halo Infinite in the Fall of 2021… is just the beginning of the adventure.

Many of us expected to see more news on Halo Infinite at this year's E3 but that never happened. It really started to smell like Cyberpunk 2077.

Halo Infinite's New Release Date

Microsoft have been silent about a Halo Infinite release date but in a recent interview with Dropped Frames head of Xbox Phil Spencer mentioned that 343 are really dedicated to a 2021 holiday release:

We don’t have the exact day. There’s some other things with some other game timing that we’re trying to look at. We’ll have better clarity over the summer, but this isn’t a months thing this is just down to a few weeks. Instead of picking this date and having to move it by a week, which at this point would feel like a fail—we don’t want to do that—let’s wait until we’re really solid on what the date is.

Does that mean we're getting Halo Infinite for Christmas 2021? Let's not get our hopes up and wait for an official announcement. Will you be getting Halo Infinite once it's finally out? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter!

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Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...