Hideo Kojima Will Stay Creative Even "As My Body is Failing Me"

Hideo kojima
Kojima is one of the most popular and famous developers in Video Game History. | © Hideo Kojima via Twitter

Hideo Kojima just turned 58, and his celebration was simultaneously a hilarious and morbid affair. In a birthday-themed Tweet, Kojima promised that he would stay creative, but acknowledged that eventually his body will fail him. Kojima's body might fail him, but he will always stay in our hearts. Here's the story.

Kojima is 58 now. That's more than half a century old, and it seems like he all-too-aware of this fact. In a rather morbid Tweet to celebrate his birthday, Kojima promised to stay creative, and continue to make incredible and unique video games. What more could we ask for? Here's what he wrote:

"Although my body is failing me, my creativity is not waning yet. Until my brain loses its creative power, I'll continue to strive to create things. That's my instinct, and that's what I love to do. Thank you."

Jeez, Kojima, way to spoil your birthday party. Just remember: you are the mastermind behind Metal Gear, and you're the genious behind that bizarre post-apocalyptic-postman-game that came out a few years ago. What was it called again? Oh yeah, Death Stranding.

We do have to admit, Kojima's birthday was one hilarious affair on Twitter. It wasn't just that one Tweet, Kojima tweeted a whole lot of bollocks over the day, and we were rolling on the floor laughing the whole time. This guy, man, this guy. A genious, and a comedic genious.

He even pointed out that he is the same age as Brad Pitt, and only a year younger than Tom Cruise... hang on, hang on, hang on, what the feck? Tom Cruise is 59? Brad Pitt is 58? What is happening to the world? They are old-farts now! What the hell? Utter confusion, that's what we're feeling. Utter confusion.

Honestly, the insane Kojima Birthday Twitter Thread is worth checking out. It is full of hilarity, and full of top-quality entertainment. Who wouldn't want to read the ramblings of a genious? Seriously, go and check out Hideo Kojima's Twitter Account. It's a blast!

I mean, for goodness sake, his tag-line on Twitter is literally "70% of my body is made of movies". How could you not love this guy? Death Stranding may have only sold 5 million copies, but it was a pretty unique and cool experience, and Metal Gear? Well, nothing really needs to be said about Metal Gear. It's Kojima's birthday, and Kojima's body may one day fail, but for now... we can't wait until his next game!

Thus, one message to Hideo Kojima: we love you, mate, please never change.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...