How To Play Blastoise in Pokémon Unite

How to play blastoise pokemon unite
How to play Blastoise in Pokémon Unite? We got you covered. | © Pokémon Company

Blastoise is a Pokémon legend. Facts. Obviously, Blastoise was going to make its way to the game and, naturally, a lot of you will want to use it in the new Pokémon MOBA. If you want to main Blastoise in Pokémon Unite, but don't know how to play Blastoise, then we've got the Pokémon Unite guide you were looking for.

Pokémon Unite is here, and the hype is already through the roof. The mobile version is not far away, so, soon, everyone will be playing the Pokémon 5v5 MOBA. Of, course we are just as hyped, so we'll be providing you with all the Pokémon Unite How-To guides.

Listen, we've got all the Pokémon Unite guides... need other Pokémon? Easy:

How To Play Blastoise in Pokémon Unite

Blastoise Guide: Basics

The last of the OG Pokémon is finally here: Blastoise. Lames would make a joke about you now being ready to blast off, but I am better than that. I am gonna say this though: You can now kick ass with the coolest of all Pokémon. Here are Blastoise's base stats:

  • Offense: 2/5
  • Endurance 3.5/5
  • Mobility 2/5
  • Scoring 2/5
  • Support 3/5

Blastoise Guide: Evolutions

No surprises here: You'll start off as Squirtle, evolve into Wartortle at level 5 and ultimately Blastoise at level 9.

Blastoise Guide: Unique Abilities

  • Torrent – Whenever Blastoise has less than half HP, Attack and Sp. Attack are increased.
  • Basic Attack – Every third attack is boosted, dealing continuous damage and slowing opposing Pokémon.

Blastoise Guide: Moves

Level 1 & 3

  • Water Gun | 9s cooldown – The water attack pushes Pokémon back and slows them.
  • Skull Bash | 10s cooldown – You ram a Pokémon and stun it.

How to build: Water gun all the way, simply because you can farm better at first. Pick Skull Bash at level 3 to help you defend your goal.

Level 5

  • Hydro Pump | 8.5s cooldown – You know the deal: Huge amounts of water that shove and deal damage. The upgrade increases the damage.
  • Water Spout | 9s cooldown – Water that hits a specific location and slows Pokémon in the area. The upgrade increases the damage.

How to build: First of all, Hyro Pump is a classic, so there's that. Also, it deals more damage and shoves, which is better suited for your role of keeping other Pokémon at bay. If you prefer map control and have a good DPS, Water Spout can work for you too.

Level 7

  • Surf | 12s cooldown – Another stun attack. This one has you charge forward while stunning, and the upgrade gives you a shield while doing so.
  • Rapid Spin | 11s cooldown – Spin to win to improve your basic attacks and Hydro Pump/Water Spout. The upgrade gives you a defense boost while spinning, meaning you'll take reduced damage.

How to build: Surf is the choice here for some insane crowd control and for being a much-needed mobility boost for Blastoise.

Level 9 – Blastoise Unite Move

  • Hydro Typhoon – More spin to win, while throwing water and shoving all Pokémon in generous range around you. Also, Blastoise is shielded while using the move.

Get in the mix and drop this move to finish off Pokémon or get them low for your team. Also, this will stop opponents dead in their tracks if they're trying to get to objectives like Zapdos.

Blastoise Guide: Item Build

  • Held Items | Go with Buddy Barrier, Assault Vest and Focus Band.
  • Battle Item | Eject Button.

Focus Band is crucial to recover HP once you drop low, while Buddy Barrier gives you and your lowest HP ally a shield when you're low on HP. Additionally, Assault Vest gives you a shield against Sp. Attacks when out of combat – all items are befitting Blastoise's defender nature.

Eject Button is crucial for Blastoise, since his mobility is low, and it might be the only way for him to get out of sticky situations.

Blastoise Guide: Game Strategy

Deny, defend and tank damage – that's what Blastoise is all about. You'll wanna stick close to the goal and maintain map control to push opposing Pokémon back. Since Blastoise can't really burst damage, you'll want to team up with a solid DPS.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....