How To Play Machamp in Pokémon Unite

How to play machamp
How to play Machamp in Pokémon Unite? We got you covered. | © Pokémon Company

Machamp is one of the oldest Pokémon in the line-up of the new Pokémon MOBA. If you want to main Machamp in Pokémon Unite, but don't know how to play Machamp, then we've got the Pokémon Unite guide you were looking for.

Pokémon Unite is here, and the hype is already through the roof. Everyone is dying to play the Pokémon 5v5 MOBA, and it's ranking high up on Twitch. Of, course we are just as hyped, so we'll be providing you with a lot of Pokémon Unite How-To guides.

Listen, we've got all the Pokémon Unite guides... need other Pokémon? Easy:

Machamp Guide: Basics

Machamp is one hell of a fighter – duh. He specializes in melee, but is good at so much more. Pokémon Unite literally calls him an all-rounder and that is definitely true for the

  • Offense: 4/5
  • Endurance 2.5/5
  • Mobility 2.5/5
  • Scoring 2.5/5
  • Support 1/5

Machamp Guide: Evolution

As per usual with Machamp, you will start out as Machop, then evolve to Machoke at Level 4, before finally evolving to Machamp at Level 9.

Machamp Guide: Unique Abilities

  • Guts – Increases damage output when afflicted by a status condition.
  • Basic Attack – Every third attack does extra damage and slows the opposing Pokémon.

Machamp Guide: Moves

Level 1

  • Karate Chop | 6s cooldown – Attacks with a sharp chop.
  • Bulk Up | 9s cooldown – Empowers your next basic attack while increasing your movement and attack speed, and makes you immune to hindrances.

How to build: Build Bulk Up first, that increased movement speed will come in handy in the early game.

Level 5

  • Close Combat | 6s cooldown – Throws several punches while walking, the last one hitting hardest, and makes you immune to hindrances.
  • Cross Chop | 6s cooldown – Dashes forward with a crossed-arm chop that has a higher chance of critical hit.

How to build: Cross Chop is the obvious choice here. A dash followed by an attack that has crit damage is not something you want to miss out on.

Level 7

  • Dynamic Punch | 8s cooldown – Leaps and punches the ground, damaging and stunning nearby opponents. Upon landing, boosts your next basic attack and grants immunity and increased movement and attack speed.
  • Submission | 11s cooldown – Machamp becomes unstoppable and rushes forward, attacking from above to root an opponent.

How to build: Build Submission if you're the tank and the one engaging team fights. If there's another Pokémon filling these shoes, then you very well could go Dynamic Push and help the tankiest Pokémon out in the teamfight.

Level 9 – Machamp Unite Move

  • Barrage Blow – Supercharges Movement Speed, Attack, and Defense (physical and special). On second activation: Unleashes a combo attack that damages and displaces nearby opponents. The final blow deals an especially large amount of damage.

Use Barrage Blow at the very beginning of the teamfight to get the most out of it. That way, you will enjoy your boosted stats and can take down enemies with ease.

Machamp Guide: Item Build

  • Held Items | Go with Scope Lense, Float Stone and Muscle Band.
  • Battle Item | Eject Button.

Float Stone makes Machamp more mobile, which helps him throughout the entire game. Scope Lense will boost your crit damage and Muscle Band does more damage if your opponent still has a lot of HP left – meaning it's great for early 1v1s.

Eject Button is the usual choice to escape sticky situations... use it to escape.

Machamp Guide: Game Strategy

Machamp is definitely one of the best melee champions that Pokémon Unite has to offer. Don't be shy to go all in, especially not if you have a support by your side.

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Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....