PlayStation 5: Fans Can Be Optimized With Online Updates

Playstation 5
Quieter fans via online updates - Sony makes it possible. (Image Credit: Sony)

PlayStation consoles and their fans - a perpetual discussion, the PS4 Pro is often referred to as a "jet plane" due to its volume. The upcoming next-generation PlayStation 5 console will feature a new cooling system that can even be adjusted with online updates.

The PlayStation 5 is a huge console, but for good reason: Sony has learned from past mistakes and is equipping the next-generation hardware with a much improved cooling system. In the recently shown teardown video, the fans were shown in detail, now Sony has made further comments on cooling.

PlayStation 5 Fan Control Through Online Updates

For example, the PlayStation 5 will collect data during gaming to optimize the behavior of the Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) and thus also the fans, as Yasuhiro Ootori, Vice President of the Mechanical Design Department at Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed in an interview with 4gamer:

Various games will be released in the future and data will be collected from the behavior of the APU in each of these games. We plan to optimize the fan control based on this data.

In concrete terms, this could mean that Sony will take a close look at (or rather listen to) the PlayStation 5 fans during gameplay and then use online updates to adjust the speed, intensity and volume. Sounds quite positive at first. The times when games like The Last of Us 2 were hard to talk about thanks to jet fans could soon be numbered.

We've seen previous updates on consoles that add new software features but the PS5 will be the first to actually get fan optimization thanks to firmware updates.

The PlayStation 5 will be released on November 19, 2020. For more news from the world of gaming and esports check EarlyGame or the EarlyGame Youtube channel. We make the big comparison between PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Original article written by EarlyGame's Philipp Briel.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...