PlayStation Plus Free Games May 2021: Leaks & Predictions

PS Plus Games May Speculation and leaks
Could Cyberpunk 2077 be one of the PS Plus Games for May? (Credit: CD Projekt Red)

The free PS Plus Games are a hot topic in the beginning of every month and the PS Plus Games for May are no different: What will the PlayStation store cook up for us this month? Let's speculate.

April wasn't too shabby for PS Plus owners. Days Gone, Oddworld Soulstorm... that's alright. Throw Zombie Army 4 into the mix and the line-up doesn't really get better, but you do have one more free game. So what will we get on PS Plus for May? At this point we can only speculate, but speculate we shall:

What Games Will Be Free on PS Plus in May?

Battlefield 5

Why do we think that? Because Battlefield 6 is not far away and there's nothing better to hype up a new release, than to re-release the old release. Ok, that's a lot of release in one sentence, but you get the point. EA literally has nothing to lose by dropping Battlefield 5 for free and everything to gain: More players, more eyes and free marketing by making it one of the PS Plus Games for May. No one is dropping cash on BFV at this point anyway, so we can see this happening.

A Star Wars Game

Why? Because the PS Plus Games for May are likely to release on May 4. May fourth. May the Fourth be with you. May the Force be... you get it, right? It's Star Wars Day and the thing would market itself. As for which Star Wars game? Well, we already had Battlefront, so if you go by releases, then... Star Wars Squadrons seems likely.

Nier: Automata

Nier Replicant just dropped and Nier: Automata, at this point, has been bought by everybody that wanted to buy it. Plus, people that are on the fence for Nier Replicant, might just need to enjoy Nier: Automata for free in order to get the push they need. Basic marketing, folks. Don't be surprised if Nier: Automata is part of the PS Plus May offer and, in fact, be hyped: The game is sick.


Why? Because the game's release was god-aw-fall. Ha. Ha, ha, ha. Get it? Seriously though, this was an abysmal PS5 launch title, and yet they still have DLC coming. They also patched the game a bunch, so why not show off what you've been working on with a free PS Plus release for May? It might just lead to a redemption story

Cyberpunk 2077

Controversial pick, yes but... why not? The game is hated and bought and sold by everybody already. CDPR just patched the game big-time, why not endear yourself to the angry console players this way? Maybe they'll drop this one on PS Plus closer to the actual Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer release, but we definitely see CD Projekt Red doing this sooner or later.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....