Sony Is Turning One of Its Biggest IPs Into Live-Service Game

It was announced that a flagship PlayStation franchise will be turned into a live-service game. Let's try to figure out which one...

Sony live service ip
Maybe it's The Last of Us? | © Francisco Vasquez

So, if you didn't know who brought God of War to the PC, allow me to enlighten you: It was Jetpack Interactive. Now, it is said that the same studio was tasked to turn a flagship Sony IP into a live-service game. If you're not sure what that means - think Fortnite: A game that will forever be updated, and never get a sequel.

Sony Is Releasing Major Live-Service Game

The idea is not far-fetched, after all, Ubisoft is banking on the same principle with the upcoming live-action Assassin's Creed. Also, knowing that the talented folks that ported God of War are taking care of this, gives me great hope. The thing is, though, we only know about this from a leak and we have no idea which IP Sony has chosen to become eternalized. More specifically, a LinkedIn post is the source of the leak:

We are now working directly with Sony to develop one of its flagship IPs within its much anticipated live services games portfolio. If you're revved up about being part of a small and skilled SWAT team making some of the finest AAA games out there – we're pretty sure you'll like working at Jetpack.

Since Jetpack also refers to the franchise is question as a "prized IP", it must be quite the big deal. God of War? Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted? It's all guesswork at this point, but it sure is exciting to think about.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....