TSM Myth Unfollows Everyone on Social Media, Cites Covid Loneliness

TSM Myth Stream
Myth cites Covid loneliness and a need to improve his mental health as the main reasons for unfollowing everyone on Social Media (Image Credit: Myth via TopTwitchStreamers)

Twitch streamer and Fortnite player TSM Myth has made the surprise decision to unfollow everyone on social media. As one of the most popular content creators on the internet, this decision is a surprise to his four million-plus YouTube subscribers, let alone all of his Instagram and Twitch followers! But why would he make such a decision?

Ali “Myth” Kabbani started his lucrative Twitch career in 2016, mainly streaming Paragon before moving onto Fortnite Battle Royale in the latter half of 2017. Since then, he has amassed a whopping 3.2 Twitch followers! Now he has removed of all his social media follows, and we are curious to find out why!

TSM Myth Fortnite stream
Social media may be a rough place in 2020, but few things are more enjoyable than watching Myth's fantastic Fortnite Twitch streams! (Image Credit: Epic Games via TSM Myth)

This year has been rough for all of us! With the onset of Covid-19 early in the year, the pandemic has more or less changed everybody's life! Whilst this has been damn tough to adapt to, there is some real soul-searching going on, and Myth is the latest to announce a new Covid life-improvement strategy! It is pretty logical, actually.

The sudden decision to unfollow everyone on social media was explained in a Tweet on December 2. In his statement, he gave us an insight into his life under Covid, and it rings some familiar bells:

Myth has since unfollowed absolutely EVERYONE on social media! Yes, you read that correct: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever, he is following ZERO people. This seems pretty radical, but in a year like this, it is certainly not even one of the weirder things that have happened!

One of the main reasons cited by Myth is that he wants to stop “comparing” himself with everyone else. He added that this is an experiment to try and help his mental health.

“Going through what I’m going through really. Which may have some truth but I know that’s not the full reality of things and in general is a really draining mindset to have at times. I wanna eradicate it.” (Source: Myth via Twitter)

The global pandemic has made many people very lonely, and with the negativity that can often come from interactions on social media, this is no surprise.

This is where we are going to get a bit nerdy, but stick with us because it is worth it! In a 2015 study by humanities researchers Matthew Pittman and Brandan Reich, it was revealed that loneliness was a problem on social media platforms like Twitter, where the majority of content is written word. The flip side was that on image-based platforms like Instagram, the opposite was discovered.

But what’s the point of all this? Well, it is all about engagement. Loneliness is a huge part of our experiences with Covid-19, and many people believe that social media can open the door to the social interaction that they may be otherwise missing. This is somewhat true, but as Myth has taught us, sometimes it can have the opposite effect, so pay attention to how and what you are consuming!

TSM Myth Article Instagram
The study revealed that Myth’s experience was not at all surprising! It was published in 2016 in the journal of Computers in Human Behavior. (Image Credit: Instagram)

But for those of you who’ve made it this far into the article, and those of you who’ve made it this far in life: Myth’s story teaches us some valuable lessons. Remember that it is always okay to reach out if you need help, and it is always okay to make decisions like his to cut out toxic parts of your life.

As gamers, we share a common identity, culture, way of life. We should look out for each other, have each other's backs, and not engage in negative behavior online! Myth’s story teaches us to reach out and support one another. We should always take strides to better our lives and relationships with people, both online and in real life!


Look after yourselves, out there! And of course, stick to EarlyGame for all your gaming and esports news. Get engaged through our Twitter and Facebook, and check out our YouTube channel!

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...