Lethal Company: How To Use The Teleporter

The Teleporter in Lethal Company is an amazing emergency escape option for when scrap retrieval expeditions go south – if you know how to use it, that is. But don't worry, we're here to walk you through it!

Lethal company its easy
The Teleporter in Lethal Company can save a lot of lives if used correctly. | © Zeekerss

The Teleporter costs just 375 of your precious Lethal Company credits and can get you or your teammates out of trouble in an instant, but it's not very intuitive to use. In case you're not sure how it works or whether it's really worth the credits we're here to answer all your questions!

The Teleporter: How It Works

Once you've placed the Teleporter somewhere in your ship, a large button will appear next to the ship's monitor. Lifting its protective cover and pressing this button will teleport whichever player is currently being tracked on the monitor into the Teleporter, no matter where they are, what they're doing or whether they're even still alive (as long as their body hasn't been completely devoured).

However, this has a few caveats. First, you need someone on the ship to actually press the button. Since having someone on the ship to monitor the rest of the team is usually a good idea anyway this shouldn't be too much of an issue – unless they themselves get horribly murdered by a monster roaming the great outdoors.

The Teleporter also has a 10-second cooldown, which is relatively short, but can lead to situations where several of your teammates are in danger at the same time and you have to choose who to save. On top of all that, any items the teleported player had on them are left behind at their previous location. So charging into dangerous territory, grabbing whatever scrap you can find and teleporting out won't get you anywhere.

Still, if your teammates die that scrap won't make it back either way. So whenever your teammates are clearly in danger don't hesitate to press that button and bring them back to safety.

Leonhard Kuehnel

When Leo isn’t busy playing the best videogame you’ve never heard of, he uses his knowledge to report on the latest news in the gaming industry. Never ask him how long his backlog is, though, you won’t like the answer....