LoL Arena Patch 13.24b: Champion Buffs & Nerfs For Game Mode

LoL Arena is back on live servers and Riot is going to be adding in a b-patch before everyone heads off on their Winter Holiday. So let's go over the planned changes for LoL Patch 13.24b.

Zilean Winterblessed Skin
LoL Arena Patch 13.24b: Zilean buffs are in order. | © Riot Games

Arena is back in League of Legends and Riot are making a few adjustments before they go on their winter holiday. Some overpowered comps and champions will get nerfed, while mages who have felt weak, will be receiving some love.

Let's check out all the adjustments Riot has planned for Arena in the final patch of the year, before we head into LoL Season 14.

LoL Arena Patch 13.24b: All Changes

In this mid-patch update, Riot is going to try and give mages some power. Riot Phroxzon wrote on Twitter/X that "the classes seem pretty balanced with the exception of mages that are systematically quite weak".

So, Riot is going to be buffing mages this update, while also looking at overpowered combinations that have made playing Arena a living hell for most... you know, like Yuumi and a tank together?

Riot also want to remove some of the randomness of Arena and make the game a bit more strategic in the long run. So let's get into all the changes and adjustments for the mid-patch update.

LoL Arena Patch 13.24b: All Balance Changes

LoL Arena Nerfs

Champion Nerfs

Sand Wraith Pyke splash
Some Pyke nerfs are always welcomed. | © Riot Games

As already mentioned, Riot is going to be nerfing the stalling comps that play around the Ring of Fire to wait out games and win this way. But some OP champions are also going to be getting some direct nerfs.

  • Gragas
    • E Cooldown Refund: 40% ⇒ 25%; E Base Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 >> 80/115/150/185/220
  • Pyke
    • Your Cut Gold: 600 ⇒ 350; R Damage if Not Executing: 80%
  • Jhin
    • Percent Movement Speed on Critical Strikes: 80% ⇒ 60%. Q Damage: 70-310 (+80-120% AD) ⇒ 65-245 (+70-110% AD)
  • Leona
    • Q Cooldown: 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds. W Cooldown: 14-10 seconds ⇒ 14-12 seconds

Augment Nerfs

One Augment is also on the nerf list:

  • Center of the Universe
    • Base Damage: 10-180 ⇒ 5-160

Stalling Comps Nerfs

Stalling comps that like to sit out and watch their enemies burn, while they survive with millions of health are getting some specific Arena-wide nerfs.

  • Hexgate Cooldown: 8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
  • Grievous Wounds from Ring of Fire (per second): 15% ⇒ 20%
  • [NEW] Good Luck Shielding This: Ring of Fire now reduces shielding in addition to healing.
  • Plaguebearer Tick Rate: every 1 second ⇒ every 1.5 seconds

LoL Arena Buffs

Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko
Neeko hasn't had a good time in Arena. | © Riot Games

Item Buffs

There are a few items that are getting buffed to try and help mages when they have to go up against tanks, which has been their main issue in this game mode.

  • Liandrys Anguish
    • Maximum Agony Bonus Damage: 12% (maxed out at 4000 health) ⇒ 15% (maxed out at 4000 health)
  • Sorcerer's Shoes
    • Magic Penetration: 18 ⇒ 20

Champion Buffs

Not only items for mages, but some specific mages are also going to be buffed by Riot in this mid-patch update.

  • Karthus
    • Added Bonus Maximum Health: 0-200 (levels 1-18). R Damage: 200/350/500 (+75% AP) ⇒ 350/550/750 (+100% AP)
  • Neeko
    • Added Bonus Maximum Health: 0-200 (levels 1-18). Q Base Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 90/140/190/240/290
  • Zilean
    • Added Bonus Maximum Health: 0-200 (levels 1-18). Q base damage: 75/115/165/230/300 ⇒ 100/165/230/295/360

Augment Buffs

There are also a few augments on the buff list for LoL Patch 13.24b:

  • Dashing
    • Dash Haste: 200 ⇒ 250
  • Orbital Laser
    • Magic Damage per Tick: 30-90 ⇒ 40-120
  • Quest: Steel Your Heart
    • Stack Multiplier: 4 ⇒ 5
  • Spin To Win
    • Spin Haste: 30 ⇒ 40
    • Spin Damage: 30% ⇒ 40%
  • Stackosaurus Rex
    • Stack Amplification: 50% ⇒ 75%

These are all the changes Riot is going to be implementing in this League of Legends mid-patch update and should make Arena a little more fun over the holiday season. The nerfs to stalling comps are especially welcomed.

Removed Augments In LoL Patch 13.24b

There were a few Augments which were too difficult to balance for Riot, s they are getting removed from the game. Since the balance team and everyone else at Riot will soon be on holiday for the Christmas time, it makes sense that they don't want to keep these OP Augments in the game.

  • Desecrator
  • Doomsayer
  • Deathtouch
  • Plaguebearer
  • Dark Blessing

Expected Release Date For LoL Patch 13.24b

This patch is expected to come out on December 13, 2023. On Twitter/X Riot Phroxzon wrote that they're targeting 2 micropatches and that the Arena numbers balance should be coming out on December 12, while the Arena mechanics changes should be for December 13.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....