LoL Patch 13.24 Brings Interesting New Surrender Feature

If a League of Legends game doesn't turn out well, you always have the option to surrender the game. This is to save time or just spare yourself of a bad experience. But the new patch went a bit too far with early surrenders.

Lol Fight1
Surrendering is a vital option in the game to save time and sanity. | © Riot Games

Vandiril is a League of Legends content creator that specializes in discovering bugs. He already made a video about the new early surrendering on the PBE, but it seems that the feature actually made it to the live-servers.

League of Legends Surrendering Can Be Done REALLY Early Now

Vandiril actually made a video about this on the 1. December where you can actually surrender right at the start of the game with only one vote. Nobody needs to be AFK to trigger the surrender. Now this is a fine feature on the Public Test Environment (PBE) but should obviously never make it onto the Live-servers. Well guess what.

It did. Vandiril has already posted a new YouTube video about and talked about it on X/Twitter.

Now, obviously this feature is not beneficial for any sort of ranked integrity. And who would have guessed. Some people are absolutely abusing this new “feature” to gain LP.

Usually a surrender vote can be started at minute when a member of the team is AFK or at minute 15 if everybody is still playing. These surrenders work with a voting system, and you need at least 2 yes-votes to get the surrender through. A successful surrender results in a lost game for the surrendering team.

Riot Games have acted fast and understood that this feature is going to be really bad for the ranked queues and as such have disabled them on some servers and are looking to fix this. This all raises the question of why we even have the PBE for testing if features like this make it to the live server anyway.

Erik Feldengut

Erik is a writer on EarlyGame's content team, and plays mostly MOBAs, MMOs, and shooters. But LoL has had a firm grip on him for ten years....