Inside The Mind Of A Champion: Bugha’s Fortnite Settings

In the world of competitive gaming, every detail counts, and no one knows this better than Fortnite World Cup Champion Bugha. His finely-tuned game settings have become a topic of fascination for aspiring players looking to gain an edge. We take a look at his specific configurations that helped Bugha becoming one of the Greats in Fortnite.

2024 08 23 11 09 news
Is Bugha the GOAT of Fortnite? | © ProSettings/Spiegel

Kyle Giersdorf, better known as Bugha, is a name synonymous with Fortnite excellence. As the winner of the 2019 Fortnite World Cup, Bugha has cemented his place as one of the top players in the world. His success is not just due to his skills but also his finely-tuned game settings. Let’s take a closer look at the settings that help Bugha stay at the top of his game.

Display Settings

  • Resolution: 1920x1080 (16:9)
  • Frame Rate Limit: 240 FPS
  • Vsync: Off
  • Rendering Mode: Performance Mode

Bugha’s display settings are optimized for clarity and performance. The high frame rate limit ensures smooth gameplay, which is crucial during intense battles.

Graphics Settings

  • Brightness: 100%
  • Interface Contrast: 1x
  • Color Blind Mode: Off
  • Color Blind Strength: 10

Graphics Quality

  • 3D Resolution: 100%
  • Nanite Virtualized Geometry: OFF
  • View Distance: Medium
  • Textures: Low
  • Meshes: Low
  • Post Processing: Low

Advanced Graphics

  • Show FPS: On

By keeping most of his graphics settings on low, Bugha minimizes any potential lag and maximizes his reaction time. Enabling Performance Mode in Fortnite provides a significant FPS boost over DirectX 12 by removing grass, which is prevalent across many parts of the map.

Screenshot 126
Performance vs. DX12 Mode | © YouTube Codelife

This optimization is crucial for smoother gameplay and quicker reactions. Additionally, setting the view distance to medium instead of low offers him the advantage to see items from a greater distance. This is particularly useful when gliding against opponents, as it helps him to spot and land on weapons first.

Game Settings


  • Reset Building Choice: Off
  • Disable Pre-Edit Option: Off
  • Turbo Building: On
  • Auto Confirm Edits: Edit

Reticle & Damage Feedback:

  • Reticle: On
  • Reticle Ammo Indicator: On – to see how much shots he has left
  • Damage Numbers: List – has to count his damage by himself
Reticle Combined 1 1
Ammo Indicator and Damage Numbers | © YouTube Codelife

Mouse Sensitivity:

  • X-Axis: 6.3%
  • Y-Axis: 6.3%
  • Targeting Sensitivity: 30.3%
  • Scope Sensitivity: 39.2%
  • DPI: 800
  • Polling Rate: 1000 Hz

Bugha’s sensitivity settings are finely tuned to his playstyle, allowing for precise aiming and quick movements. His DPI and polling rate settings ensure that his mouse movements are accurately reflected in the game.


  • Forward Diagonal Angle: 70
  • Strafe Angle: 90
  • Backward Diagonal Angle: 135


  • Wall: X
  • Floor: V
  • Stairs: C
  • Roof: L-Shift
  • Trap: T
  • Use: E
  • Edit: F
  • Reload/Rotate: R
  • Building Edit: Mouse Wheel Down

For every Fortnite Pro Player, keybinds are a personal preference, and Bugha is no exception.

More About Bugha

Bugha’s journey to becoming a Fortnite legend began when he was introduced to the game by his father. His nickname, “Bugha,” comes from his grandfather, who used to call him that when he was younger. After winning the Fortnite World Cup, Bugha’s social media presence exploded, gaining thousands of followers overnight, which even caused a crash of his social media accounts.

In addition to his World Cup victory, Bugha has won multiple FNCS championships and is consistently ranked among the top players in Fortnite. His dedication to the game and his meticulous attention to detail in his settings have made him a role model for aspiring gamers worldwide.

Theo Stodiek

As an avid soccer and gaming fan, Theo is always up-to-date with FIFA. Since FIFA 18, he has bought every new edition, despite claiming the opposite every year. Besides FIFA, Theo is also a big fan of Fortnite Esports and the German and international streaming scene. ...