Why Rockstar Hasn't Announced GTA 6 For PC Yet

In a strategic move that mirrors their past launches, Take-Two Interactive have opted to delay the release of Grand Theft Auto 6 for PC, focusing first on consoles.

GTA6 Trailer Screenshot
GTA 6 will take ages to be playable on PC | © Rockstar Games

So, you know how Take-Two Interactive (parent company of Rockstar Games) has been super quiet about dropping Grand Theft Auto 6 for PC? Well, there’s a bit of a strategy behind that silence. Strauss Zelnick, the big boss over at Take-Two, spilled the beans recently.

They're sticking to their old playbook—launching big hits on consoles first. Remember the wait for GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 to hit our rigs? Yeah, it’s like that.

Strategic Silence: A Game of Patience

Zelnick kinda teased that they’re not saying "no" to a PC version; they’re just not saying "yes" yet. It's all about timing and hitting the market just right. They want to make a splash with the console release first and then roll it out to other platforms. It’s like throwing a party—you send out invites to your closest friends first, and then open up the doors as the night goes on.

The reason behind this phased release might also be about creating a ripple effect of anticipation and excitement. Think about it—every time a game hits a new platform, it gets a fresh wave of attention. This could be a clever way to keep the game in the news and conversations going long after the initial release.

So, if you're a PC gamer, it might feel a bit like being the last to know, but Take-Two hasn’t forgotten about you. They want to ensure that when GTA 6 does hit PC, it’s as epic as possible, with all the tweaks and enhancements that make the wait worthwhile. Plus, by then, they'll have gathered plenty of feedback from console players to polish the game even further.

But it's hard not to be upset as a PC-user; why not release GTA 6 on both PC and consoles at the same time? If we assume GTA 6 is set for a Fall 2025 release, and considering the history of GTA 5 launching in September 2013 for console but only April 2015 for PC, we could expect GTA 6's PC release around 2027 (if not later)—that's another three years from now. It can indeed be frustrating for PC gamers to wait longer.

So, for now, if you're gaming mostly on PC, hang tight. Take-Two hasn’t forgotten about us; they’re just playing the long game to make sure everything's top-notch when it finally lands. If you want to dig deeper into what Zelnick said, check out the full interview here. Who knows, maybe that "later" announcement might just drop when we least expect it!

Ali Kanaan

As a political science student, Ali has always liked historical games like Assassin's Creed and strategy games like EU4....