Netflix Black Barbie Documentary: Premiere Date Released

Netflix is going to be releasing a new documentary soon giving fans insights into the story behind the first black Barbie doll. When does it release?

Black Barbie heasder
When is Black Barbie releasing on Netflix? | © Netflix

Netflix is going to be releasing a new documentary about Barbie. The documentary is being produced by none other than Grey's Anatomy and Bridgerton exec, Shonda Rhimes. With the hype that has surrounded Barbie, especially since the 2023 movie, it'll be interesting to see how this upcoming documentary fares.

Now, Netflix has just released a new trailer for the documentary and also revealed the premier date, so anyone interested in the darker side of toys like Barbie, then this is going to be quite an interesting watch for you.

Black Barbie on Netflix: Release Date

The release date for the documentary has been revealed to be on June 19, 2024. Viewers can simply log into their Netflix accounts to then watch the show about the first ever black Barbie and what the workers at Mattel had to go through to make this a reality.

Black Barbie: The Plot

As just mentioned, this documentary is going to take a look at the history of Barbie, zooming in on the first ever Black Barbie released. Netflix has described the documentary as something that is more than "just a doll". The documentary will "celebrate the momentous impact three Black women at Mattel had on the evolution of the Barbie brand as we know it".

Honestly, this sounds pretty interesting, because most people might not believe it, but the first Black Barbie doll was only released in 1980. That's years after the first blonde "stereotypical Barbie" was released.

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Are you going to watch Black Barbie? | © Mattel

Of course, since then the Barbie brand has come a long way and we have dolls in all shapes and sizes, but it'll be interesting to see how hard women in the 1980s had to fight to get this representation that we get to enjoy today.

Through these charismatic insiders' stories, the documentary tells the story of how the first Black Barbie came to be in 1980, examining the importance of representation and how dolls can be crucial to the formation of identity and imagination.

So, get ready to dive into the history of the first Black Barbie on June 19 when the documentary premieres on Netflix.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....