Netflix "Aggressively Taking Action" After Five Episodes Of Arcane Season 2 Leak Online

After the recent Netflix breach, multiple episodes of various shows were leaked, including Arcane season 2. Now, Netflix are responding.

Five episodes of Arcane's second season got leaked, will this affect the show? | © Riot Games

Arcane season 2 might be the most anticipated show on Netflix this year, which is set to release in November 2024.

Following the breach at Netflix, the first five episodes of season 2 got leaked, but what does this mean for the show as a whole?

Does This Leak Endanger The Show?

So the question is, will this affect Arcane badly?

Short answer, I don't think so.

The episodes that were leaked are reportedly in less than 480p. They also have watermarks all over them, so the viewing experience is less than abysmal.

In a thread on Reddit, people reacted to the leak, with most of them saying they wouldn't want to watch it.

This is one of the best animated shows ever created, I'm not watching ripped garbage. Especially when it might mean we get less shows of this caliber if too many people pirate vs. stream.
There is no way I'm watching a show as good as this one on flip phone era quality.
I can totally wait until November for a full quality version. Been looking forward to season 2 for a while. I don’t mind waiting a few more months.

And it seems that most of the community are on the same page about this topic. Arcane is a show that is unrivaled in quality, and watching it on these leaked files would take away all of its magic. So don't go looking for the leaked episodes!

Netflix Reacts Aggressively

So Netflix obviously had to react to this data breach. In an interview with The Wrap, a Netflix spokesperson states that this breach was the result of one of their post-production partners being compromised.

It seems as though Netflix wants heads to roll, following this attack.

One of our post-production partners has been compromised and footage from several of our titles has unfortunately leaked online.
Our team is aggressively taking action to have it taken down.

So Netflix is actively working to find and remove every last drop of leaked footage from the web.

We're hoping that they succeed, since these leaks are detrimental, not only to the streaming service, but also to the creators, animators, and writers of these great shows.

Benedikt Ostertag

Benedikt is one of our new writers here at EarlyGame. He makes music and loves playing video games. His favorite games include Super Smash Bros, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring and League of Legends. His other great passion is anime, which he also loves to write about....