Riot Dev Surprised By A Valorant Player Actually Being Nice

Karma does exist! As one Valorant player proved after being an excellent teammate.

A Valorant player was rewarded for his nice behavior in-game! | © Riot Games

Valorant, like most multiplayer games, is not known for its community being friendly towards teammates or enemy players.

But a certain player surprised a Riot developer by being outstandingly nice to his teammates and his enemies.

What Goes Around, Comes Around

In the Valorant subreddit, the user Nunziu told a story about his latest experience playing Valorant.

He stated that he played with a friend who just got into the game. Nunziu was trying to show him the ropes, while a Reyna in the enemy team was popping off. So he tried his best to keep the score even, to make the match as long as possible.

The Reyna then went into all chat with some passive-aggressive comments like:

Nice immo buddy lol.

But Nunziu told the Reyna player thatthey could easily get one as well, since they were a very good player.

After the game ended, the Killjoy from their team turned out to be a Riot employee, who promptly gifted Nunziu and his friend a Gun Buddy for the outstanding behavior he witnessed.

This is what gaming should be all about. Being rewarded for non-toxic behavior goes a long way.

I hope Nunziu continues being nice in his games!

Benedikt Ostertag

Benedikt is one of our new writers here at EarlyGame. He makes music and loves playing video games. His favorite games include Super Smash Bros, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring and League of Legends. His other great passion is anime, which he also loves to write about....