LoL Patch 14.7: Skarner Hotfix Shipped Out To Improve Champ In Main Role

LoL Patch 14.7 has been released, bringing about some buffs for Jungle Skarner and nerfs for Top Lane Skarner.

Skarner Rework
LoL Patch 14.7: Skarner got some major adjustments. | © Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 14.7 focuses on the rework of Skarner. Following the VGU release, low mastery Skarner players primarily played him in the top lane. However, it remains uncertain which lane the champion currently dominates among high mastery Skarner players. What is evident, though, is that high mastery Skarner players already adeptly handle the new version of the champion.

Riot Games believe that despite the low winrate, Skarner is still quite strong. So, in order to bring the champion back to his main role, the jungle, Riot Games made some adjustments to the champion.

LoL Patch 14.7: Skarner Hotfix Adjustments

Skarners New Lore 3
Skarner got some hotfixes! | © Riot Games

Skarner has received adjustments to all of his abilities except his ultimate. This mid-patch is designed to affect every mastery level and is aimed at returning the champion to his primary role.

Mana Growth

  • 60 >>> 45

P - Threads of Vibration

  • Monster Damage: 75-250 >>> 100-300

Q - Shattered Earth

  • Monster Damage: 00/175/250/325/400 >>> 150/225/300/375/450

W - Seismic Bastion

  • Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 >>> 50/55/60/65/70

E - Ixtal's Impact

  • Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 >>> 20/19/18/17/16

In the next patch, Skarner will receive further adjustments, particularly focusing on the top lane. Also, his Q will get some fixes. Riot wants to strike a balance between effectiveness and introducing adequate counterplay.

These are all the Skarner adjustments we have received in this hotfix, which was released on April 5.

Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....