Drive Away - The Quickborn Grand Prix: What Happened?

Drive Away GTÜ Rocket Beans TV
The collaboration between Rocket Beans TV and GTÜ starts with "Drive Away - The Great Price of Quickborn". | © Michael Krogmann

On July 31, “Drive Away – The Quickborn Grand Prix”, probably the coolest “Remote Control Car” event in Germany, took place. Who took part, what were the challenges, and who came out victorious? Don't worry, here comes our review of the big GTÜ x Rocket Beans TV event. Oh, wait, it's not just a review: here's everything you need to know about "Drive Away – The Quickborn Grand Prix" from GTÜ x Rocket Beans TV.

We already reported in advance about the collaboration between GTÜ and Rocket Beans TV, who have teamed up for the craziest “Remote Control Car” event in Germany. "Drive Away - The Quickborn Grand Prix" took place on July 31 in the RC-Glashaus in Quickborn, and we were there live. Today we take a look at which teams took part, what challenges the participants had to face, and who came out victorious in the end.

Did you actually miss the event? Maybe you just want to watch the highlights again? No problem, you can watch the complete stream of "Drive Away – The Quickborn Grand Prix" from GTÜ x Rocket Beans TV here on Rocket Beans TV:

Drive Away: The Teams

As announced in advance, two teams of four members each fought doggedly for the title. The first team, Rocket Beans TV, consisted of Simon, Gunnar, Sofia and Nasti. Anyone who has ever watched Rocket Beans on YouTube or Twitch, or GameTwo on YouTube, should already know the boys and girls. So we come to the second team, Team World. The second team consisted of the German influencers Mahluna, Brian, AlexiBexi and Maxim. AlexiBexi and Mahluna are mainly known as streamers and web video producers, while Brian should be known to most from Kliemannsland – and Maxim? Well, the League of Legends fans among you probably know that one...

Drive Away: The Challenges

Now we get to the actual event. The two teams put their skills to the test in three Challenges at Drive Away. Two members of each team competed against each other in turns, and the game modes should look familiar to most gamers. Between the individual games, Krogi und GTÜ-Test-Engineer Jerry repeatedly examined the roadworthiness of the RC cars at the GTÜ test bench, which were badly damaged – be it lost tires, a broken axle, or other technical defects. The damage that occurred was analysed with a twinkle of the eye, but the RC car workshop professionals had to fix it: a test engineer, as a neutral assessor, does not do the repairs himself. In this way, you also learn a little about cars and, above all, when the thing is still considered roadworthy... and when not...

Fahr Away GTÜ test bench
At the GTÜ test bench, Krogi and Jerry analyse the damage to the RC Cars. | © Michael Krogmann

Balloon Battle

Let's start with challenge number one. Have you ever played Mario Kart? Balloon Battle is a famous mode from those fabulous games, and this is exactly that! Each car has three balloons on the rear, and a nail on the bonnet. The goal? To burst the opposing team's balloons. The game was played for five minutes at a time, followed by sudden death (even if there were a few disagreements about the rules).

In the first round, Simon and Nasti competed against Mahluna and Maxim, while round two was contested by Gunnar and Sofia as well as Brian and AlexiBexi. Of course, the whole thing degenerated into a lot of chaos – mainly because the rules were just so damn ambiguous. After Sudden Death occurred in both rounds, Team Rocket Beans TV was able to prove their significantly better driving skills, and win both rounds. The balloon battle ended with 6:0 points for the hosts. So! On to Challenge Number 2...

Ballon Battle
Punching balloons with an RC car is harder than it looks. | © Rocket Beans TV via YouTube


The second challenge will put a smile on the face of every gamer who has ever heard of or played Rocket League before. During Autoball, two cars on each side compete against each other, and have to try to get a ball into the opposing goal. The game was played twice for four minutes each time.

The first round was again taken by Simon, Nasti, Mahluna and Maxim. It was pretty spicy too, so spicy in fact, that a car even lost a tire, and Mahluna's RC car had to be replaced. Of course, there were no demolitions like in Rocket League (I don't even know whether RC cars can explode). After two exciting halves, and a lot of interruptions due to broken cars and technical problems, the Rocket Beans left the field 4-2.

And in round two things didn't go much better for AlexiBexi and Brian from Team World. After eight minutes full of action and crashes, the hosts were even able to secure a 7:3. Game number two earned Team Rocket Beans TV six more points, extending their lead to 12-0. But don't worry, “Drive Away - The Quickborn Grand Prix” still had an ace up its sleeve.

Exactly, Rocket League with RC cars! | © Rocket Beans TV via YouTube

Qualifying & Grand Prix

For the last challenge, the Grand Prix, the competitors first had to prove their skills on the remote control individually, in order to secure a good starting position. In self-decorated RC cars, all participants were given two minutes each to deliver the fastest possible lap, and thus determine their starting position in the Grand Prix. In the final race, all eight players drove against each other at the same time, and tried to complete as many laps as possible in seven minutes. Here again, a lot of points could be earned, so Team World still had every chance of turning the tide in the last game, despite being headily behind.

Here you can see the placement, number of laps, and the points of the individual drivers at the end of the Grand Prix:

  • Maxim: 21 Rounds – 10 Points
  • Brian: 18 Rounds – 8 Points
  • Mahluna: 15 Rounds – 6 Points
  • Nasti: 12 Rounds – 4 Points
  • Sofia: 12 Rounds – 3 Points
  • Gunnar: 11 Rounds – 2 Points
  • Simon: 10 Rounds – 1 Points
  • AlexiBexi: 8 Rounds – 0 Points
Grand Prix
There were a lot of accidents at the Grand Prix. | © Rocket Beans TV via YouTube

Drive Away: The Winners

Thanks to the final race, Team World was able to earn a total of 24 points, mainly thanks to the outstanding performance of Maxim and Brian, who completed by far the most laps, while Team Rocket Beans TV only got 10 points. This resulted in a final score of 24:22 for Team World, consisting of Mahluna, Brian, Maxim, and AlexiBexi. After two disappointments in the Balloon Battle and Autoball challenges of the tournament, the influencer team was able to prevail in the end, taking home the victory. Congratulations!

The Future of GTÜ x Rocket Beans TV

Was that it? Of course not! Even if no concrete plans are known yet, Rocket Beans TV has already announced that they will continue to work with GTÜ in the future. Thus, we can look forward to more big events, and exciting formats, in the coming years.

Did you follow "Drive Away - The Quickborn Grand Prix" live? How did you like the event? Let us and GTÜ know on social media!

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Ben Simpson

Ben loves three things: Gaming, streaming and writing. At EarlyGame, he found the perfect match for his passions and skills, writing for the Gaming and Entertainment categories. ...