PC Master Race: Activision Blizzard Making More Money With PC Than Console

According to Activision, the revenue generated on PC has surpassed that of consoles for the very first time, and the difference is only increasing. Here is everything you need to know!

Activision blizzard column
Activision Blizzard now make more money from PC than console. | © Activision

In a surprising turn of events, Activision Blizzard recently announced that they were making more revenue on PC than on consoles for the first time in the company's history.

Activision Blizzard: PC Versus Console

In previous years, Activision Blizzard were making more revenue via console sales. And while console gaming still represents a substantial portion of Activision Blizzard's business model, PC revenue is now more significant. This change may be connected to the rise in popularity of PC gaming, but it's hard to be sure, and Activision themselves don't provide an exact reason.

According to the company's latest financial report and the research of PCGamer, Activision generated $666 million on PC and $639 million on consoles between January and March in 2023.

It's worth noting that Blizzard games have played a more significant role in the overall growth on PC. Because even though Blizzard games are making about half as much as Activision games, 72% of Blizzard's revenue is coming from PC and only 8% from console. In comparison, Activision's revenue is split more evenly between console, PC, and mobile, with 59%, 26%, and 15% respectively.

  • If you're getting tired of CoD, maybe try Overwatch? Here's a Legendary Edition of the game, which is great for those new to the franchise;.

What do you think of PC outperforming consoles in terms of sales? Are Activision losing the casuals?

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Anton Facklam

I always loved watching Lets Plays on YouTube when I was a kid. My favorite game from back then was definitely Assassin's Creed: Black Flag… but I wasn't allowed to actually play it. SAD!

I also grew up with football...