National Treasure Without Nicolas Cage?

National Treasure: Edge of History is a show on Disney+ and it seems like the show will not feature the most iconic National Treasure character of them all.

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National Treasure: Edge of History is a brand-new series on Disney+. It's heavily inspired by one of the most iconic films to be ever made – National Treasure. Those films, though not the biggest blockbuster hits became successful in their own right, especially thanks to the performance by Nicolas Cage.

The show will hit the streaming service on December 14, 2022. One season has been filmed thus far with a total of ten episodes, but will we see a glimpse of Nic Cage at some point?

National Treasure: Edge of History - Will Nicolas Cage Appear?

Whil the showrunners would have loved for Nicolas Cage to be in the show, or at least make a cameo appearance, it seems that the actors schedule did not allow for it, which means that for the first season we won't be getting to see him in the series at all.

Co-show runner Marianne Wibberley told Collider, "the dream is absolutely there. You know, we wanted him to be featured in an episode this season, but his schedule just didn’t work out"

She did go on to state that if the show gets renewed for a second season they will try to get Nic Cage invovled in some way or shape. But, if you're going to log onto Disney+ on December 14, 2022 hoping to see some good ole Nic Cage, then you will be disappointed.

Whether we are going to be getting a third National Treasure movie is also still up in the air, with the second having been released all the way back in 2007 (way before some of you were probably born), so it seems like the hype for the movie might have died down.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....