Zuko Gets A Film From Studio Behind Avatar The Last Airbander

Zuko gets a film. And it's from the same studio that most recently made Avatar: The New Airbander. We summarize the great news for you, so you can start the weekend with some peace of mind!

Zuko is getting his own movie! | © Paramount Pictures

There have been rumors for some time that there will be a film about the popular and angsty character Zuko. And now new information has confirmed that the Fire Prince will get his own film. Not only that, there’s even a release date!

New Zuko Film Is Confirmed

We all love the original Avatar series and have seen it multiple times. It was just the coolest show. And after many rumors, we now have confirmation of a film. According to the source Avatar News, Zuko will get his own film. It won't be released for a long time, but this is fantastic news nevertheless.

The film is scheduled to be released in theaters in 2026. Allegedly, the exact date has already been set: it will be released on October 9, 2026, exactly one year after Avatar: The Last Airbender. The anticipation is huge, even if it will still take what feels like an eternity until the film is released.