Lies of P: Fable Arts Explained (Weapon Skills)

In Lies of P, Fable Arts are an important element for enhancing your combat skills and opening up possibilities to new fighting styles. In this guide, you will learn about Fable Arts, covering everything from their types and effects to obtaining and mastering them.

Lies of p fable arts
Lies of P: Weapon Types – What are Fable Arts? | © Neowiz Games

In Lies of P , Fable Arts are mystical skills that empower your characters' weapon. You can assign these skills to your weapons' handle or blade, and it will bless it with different effects. They come in various forms, with each of them having a unique ability. Whether you're looking to unleash devastating attacks or bolster your defenses, Fable Arts offer a diverse range of options. In this guide, we will tell you everything about the different types, how to get them, and the best strategies of using them.

Lies of P: Types of Fable Arts

Lies of p weapon
Lies of P: Types of Fable Arts | © Neowiz Games

In Lies of P , you can combine two weapon skills on one weapon, by assigning them to the handle and also to the blade. That way, you can mix the different types according to your play style, allowing you to build a weapon that carries both offensive, and utility based skills. Fable Arts come in all different forms, you could build weapons that perform spinning attacks, build up electricity, or even flames!

  • Offensive Fable Arts: These arts focus on dealing damage to your foes. Expect to wield awe-inspiring attacks and devastating techniques that can lay waste to your enemies.
  • Defensive Fable Arts: When the going gets tough, defensive Fable Arts are your best friend. These skills provide you with the tools to protect yourself and your allies from harm.
  • Utility Fable Arts: Utility Arts are versatile skills that can be used in various situations. They often offer crowd control, healing, or strategic advantages to aid your party.

How To Get Fable Arts

Gaining access to Fable Arts requires dedication and exploration. You can discover them by:

  • Exploration: Roam the world of Lies of P and uncover hidden secrets. Some Fable Arts are tucked away in remote corners, waiting for intrepid adventurers.
  • Story Progression: As you advance through the game's narrative, you may unlock new Fable Arts that align with your character's growth.
  • Defeating Powerful Foes: Formidable enemies sometimes hold the keys to new Fable Arts. Conquer these adversaries to claim their abilities as your own.

How To Use Fable Arts

To see, which buttons to use for your Fable Arts, take a look in the bottom left corner of your screen. Usually these abilities should be assigned to the button.

While using a Fable Arts infused weapon in combat, it will consume Fable slots, with each art consuming a different amount of slots. Fable Slots work similar to a mana-bar, and will recharge by attacking enemies.

Malena Rose

Malena is a game design student and writer at EarlyGame. Her life-long passion for videogames inspired her to make a living out of it. Through her studies in Game Design, she now plays an active role within the gaming industry....