Naraka Bladepoint: All Characters Tier List

Naraka Bladepoint includes a lot of unique fighters to choice from. But which one is the best? Our tier list got you covered!

Naraka Bladepoint All Characters Tier List
Naraka Bladepoint: All characters tier list. | © 24 Entertainment

In Naraka Bladepoint every fighter has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. But which one is really worth your time if you try climbing your way up to the top? With our tier list, you will get a better grasp of all the 16 playable heroes. These are the best characters in Nakara Bladepoint!

This article includes all the hero changes up until the patch from July 14.

Tier-List Overview

C-TierTakeda Nobutada, Kurumi
B-TierAkos Hu, Temulch, Wuchen, Tianhai, Justina Gu
A-TierValda Cui, Feria Shen, Ziping Yin, Viper Ning, Yueshan, Tarka Ji, Zai Ji
S-TierMatari, Yoto Hime

Best Characters In Nakara Bladepoint: C-Tier

Takeda Nobutada

Naraka Bladepoint Takeda
Naraka Bladepoint: Takeda Nobutada. | © 24 Entertainment

The reason why Takeda sits in the C-tier isn't because he is weak. It's rather 'cause his abilities are hard to master, especially for new players. With his main skill "Mythic Grab" you perform a counter, but only if your timing is right.

With his Ultimate "Demonic Aid" you call upon a spirit called "Furen". He aids you in the battle or can be sent to unleash normal or Airborne strikes. Powerful in its core, but desperately needing to be chained together for the maximal damage output.

You need perfect timing and a working combo-chain to make the most out of Takeda. Only recommended for veteran players!


Naraka Bladepoint Kurumi
Naraka Bladepoint: Kurumi. | © 24 Entertainment

Just like Takeda, Kurumi isn't weak either. Her skillset only excels really well if you're playing duos or trios, as she is a healing character. With your teleportation skill you port yourself to an ally and heal them or give damage reduction/ increasing buffs.

Her Ultimate "Sacred Circle" is yet again a healing skill with a large AoE effect and purification included. The utility of her drops quickly, as there are other methods of getting a frequently healed.

Sadly, Kurumi only works well with teammates, and even then you don't really need her healing skills to survive. With a little twist and update on her skill set, and she can move up the ranks pretty quickly in the future.

Best Characters In Nakara Bladepoint: B-Tier

Akos Hu

Naraka Bladepoint Akos Hu
Naraka Bladepoint: Akos Hu. | © 24 Entertainment

He is an aggressive playmaker who can easily dominate the battlefield. And being a pure DPS hero, he can simply destroy everybody who hasn't seen him coming. Akos main skill "Roar" creates a shockwave that inflict a knock back after a charge up.

As if Akos main skills aren't frightening enough, his Ultimate "Feral Frenzy" makes him hone a tiger spirit, which gives him an even greater mobility due to his bigger and faster jumps. He even calls tiger spirits that deal a lot of damage

Akos excels in his deadly close-combat style, but making him vulnerable to any ranged attack and debuffs. He needs the support from his teammates to overcome any obstacles.


Naraka Bladepoint Temulch
Naraka Bladepoint: Temulch. | © 24 Entertainment

He is a strong support character who can control the enemies on the field. With his skill "Zephyr Wisp" he summons wards that shield him against ranged attacks. When the skill is used a second time, he summons a whirlwind, knocking enemies down.

Temulch's Ultimate "Zephyr Prison" lets him create a sandstorm, that slows down all enemies that touch it. You and your teammates are unaffected from it, letting you walk unhindered through it.

With Temulch you can switch the ties of a battle pretty fast. He works best with allies around him, as he only controls the battlefield from the backseat and his survivability is rather low.


Naraka Bladepoint Wuchen
Naraka Bladepoint: Wuchen. | © 24 Entertainment

He is yet another complex and difficult character, taking up the role of a mobile support hero. Your main skill is "Spirit Blades", letting you summon five blades that can be either fired at enemies or taking your damage, in case you get fatally wounded.

Wuchens Ultimate "Tai Chi Rift" can only be used in a limited capacity, as it's only available as you aren't in combat. Triggering it lets you cast rift that buffs all your teammates in range. Used a second time, the rift teleports all allies and yourself and give a damage or damage reduction buff, depending on how much health Wuchen has left.

Utilizing Wuchen is difficult. You need to plan beforehand and put his support skills to good use. However, he comes with enormous survivability, being able to stand his guard, retreat and help his teammates.


Naraka Bladepoint Tianhai
Naraka Bladepoint: Tianhai. | © 24 Entertainment

He is an easy to learn hero, with a great defense and an even greater offensive, while using his ultimate. If you use his "The Divine Bell" main skill, he's granted a temporary shield against physical attacks. It lasts only a few seconds, but with an upgraded version, your enemies will have a difficult time dealing with your armor.

With Tianhai Ultimate "Titan's Call" it's your time for heavy damage output. Transformed into a large beast called "Varja" your health and strength skyrocket relative to the armor and weapons rarity. You smash your enemies into the ground and as you transform back, your wounds won't carry over.

Tianhai is a great Tank-like hero, with great defense and transformation. He hhelps in a pinch, but also lacks any support or mobility skills that are necessary for the last circle in an ongoing session, especially in solo mode.

Justina Gu

Naraka Bladepoint Justina Gu
Naraka Bladepoint: Justina Gu. | © 24 Entertainment

She is an icy maiden with an incredible survivability with her ice themed abilities. Her main skill "Ice Core" allows her to freeze herself and resist incoming damage for a short while. With an upgraded version, she can cast this skill also on teammates, keeping them safe from harm.

Her Ultimate "Arctic Wraith" buffs her attack, while changing her skill to "Shadowswipe". Now she dashes through enemies, freeze them for a short period of time and deal a little bit of damage with her freezing sword. Overall, only dangerous if your enemies are close to you.

Justina is extremely tough to kill because of her surviving skills. But for the sake of damage output, there isn't really much to her. She moves through enemies, but deals only a small amount of damage, meaning we can't go higher than B-tier.

Best Characters In Nakara Bladepoint: A-Tier

Valda Cui

Naraka Bladepoint Valda Cui
Naraka Bladepoint: Valda Cui. | © 24 Entertainment

She is another battlefield controlling character. With her skill "Haze" she sends out big water bubbles, that traps enemies for two seconds. While being trapped, your foes get constantly damage from within and from outside the bubble as you and your allies attacks them.

Valdas' Ultimate ability, "Nether Nightmare" divides and launches enemies into the air and holding them suspended until the ultimate ends. Even greater damage comes from your jump in the air, throwing a spear at one of your enemies. The damage dealt depends on the rarity of your used spear.Valda is overall a powerful character, with her water-based attacks. She performs maximum damage output, while splitting up the enemies and taking the tactical course of action within fights.

Feria Shen

Naraka Bladepoint Feria Shen
Naraka Bladepoint: Feria Shen. | © 24 Entertainment

She is a unique hero, as she is the only one using mech mechanics in battle. Her "Bronze Mech" absorbs any incoming damage, while dealing AOE attacks, crushing any large group of enemies.

Feria is also able to utilize two Ultimate moves. The first one is called "Mech Mayhem" and the second one "Mech Mayhem Restore". Either ability is good on their own, only depending on which kinda situation you're in. The Mech Mayhem skills will help to escape from difficult situations or resisting incoming assaults.

As an overall well-balanced DPS character, Feria can survive even the stickiest situation. Thanks to her adaptability, she shines in both solo and co-op battles.

Ziping Yin

Naraka Bladepoint Ziping Yin
Naraka Bladepoint: Ziping Yin. | © 24 Entertainment

Ziping is a better Kurumi, with a great skill set, including more damage output. With her "Aromatherapy" she has excellent defensive skills, which includes healing and additional super armor. While under the super armor, she seems almost immortal to the enemies.

With her three Ultimate moves "Gauze", "Aegis" and "Saving Grace" she can either support her teammates, go into a full burst mode or instantly restore 300 HP while giving a damage reduction buff.

Ziping is another hero who's stellar in her adaptability in battle. As she is considered the best support character, she can also stand her ground in fights, making her a candidate for solo or co-op matches.

Viper Ning

Naraka Bladepoint Viper Ning
Naraka Bladepoint: Viper Ning. | © 24 Entertainment

She is a tough customer to deal with, but only for your enemies. She swiftly inflicts damage and leaves any enemy in the vicinity wide open for incoming attacks. Her main skill "Yushan Enigma" is Vipers main damage dealer and can easily interrupt blue-charged attacks.

Her Ultimate "Twilight Crimson" marks all enemies in her range and stuns them after five seconds. Giving yourself and especially your teammates opportunities, finishing them off before they come close to you.

Viper is granted the role of an easily learned support- and control-hero, who's also capable of surviving alone. But she works best if she is accompanied by her teammates.


Naraka Bladepoint Yueshan
Naraka Bladepoint: Yueshan. | © 24 Entertainment

He is an overall solid character, but doesn't excel in anything particular. His main skill, "Line Breaker" is mediocre at best. With this attack you perform a short dash, knocks enemies back and deal a small amount of damage. Something every average player can dodge easily.

With his Ultimate "Troop Decimation" it's your time to shine. Triggering the skill, lets you turn Yueshan into a General for 25 seconds. In this form he has increased movement speed, breaks through charged attacks and deals a lot of damage. Coordinate this attack with your allies, can turn any enemy into dust.

Depending on the meta, Yueshan can easily drop in the tier-list, as his ultimate carries him all the way up to A. Combined with teammates, he can still be utilized as a strong hero.

Tarka Ji

Naraka Bladepoint Tarka Ji
Naraka Bladepoint: Tarka Ji. | © 24 Entertainment

He's a deadly practitioner of fire abilities, that hits hard and put your enemies into a tight spot. With his "Inner Fire" skill, he withstands physical attacks and counterattack if he suffered any damage within three seconds. You either set your enemies with an DoT effect on fire or hurl a fireball at them.

But his Ultimate "Blackout" is even deadlier than his main skill. Using it, lets you set yourself on fire. Granting you a movement speed buff and letting you set your enemies on fire. Being a blazing reaper for anyone who can't escape.

Tarka is extremely dangerous in close quarter fights, as he buffs himself and puts enemies ablaze, while hitting really hard. If a ranged fighter comes into play, he may draw the shorter straw.

Zai Ji

Naraka Bladepoint Zai Ji
Naraka Bladepoint: Zai Ji. | © 24 Entertainment

Zai Ji is a well-rounded fast melee attacker, with a self-healing Ultimate. While using her main attack "Flame Ward" she turns into the Flame Ward makes her invulnerable to attacks for a period of time. As you can end this attack at any time, it's useful for getting out of enemy combos, escaping or throw in some punches.

Hers Ultimate "Chain Scythe" swaps her weapon for her Chain Scythe, enabling new attacks building up a new Chain meter Link. The "Chain Link" is a charge attack that does three consecutive strikes. If the attack lands, you're able to heal yourself and be victorious in the end.

Zai is a versatile DPS hero with high mobility and an increasing damage output, if she need it. Not the easiest character to start with, but valuable nonetheless, since she can clutch in the final circle with her healing ability.

Best Characters In Nakara Bladepoint: S-Tier


Naraka Bladepoint Matari
Naraka Bladepoint: Matari. | © 24 Entertainment

She is as swift as deadly due to her high mobility and her skill "Silent Flutter". Matari's granted an agile play style, quickly entering and leaving the skirmish as she wants.

With her Ultimate "Unseen Wings" you can enable her stealth mode. Sneaking up to any clueless enemy, strike the iron while it's hot and escape yet again.

Matari is a simple powerhouse, even though she can't boost her DPS. But taking on the fights on her own terms and pull off escape combos is pretty difficult to deal with.

Yoto Hime

Naraka Bladepoint Yoto Hime
Naraka Bladepoint: Yoto Hime. | © 24 Entertainment

Dealing with her on the battlefield is no walk in the park, especially with her zipping around all over the place. While utilizing both main and ultimate skill, she can easily shave off up to 50 - 70 % of the enemy health.

Her main skill "Spirit Slash" and Ultimate "Ominous Blade" need to be linked together, to raise the maximal damage output. If the combo worked out fine, she teleports to the blades she throws around and impales any enemy in her way.

Only foolish and inexperienced warriors take up on Yoto alone. Making her an overall superb warrior, as the range and damage output is stellar and almost unbeatable.

Ewelyn Derc

Ewelyn is a Content Creator at EarlyGame. She's mainly interested in everything that comes from Japan and has to do with JRPGs. But also Souls-like, Indies, Shooter, Rogue-likes, Otome, Visual Novel and more are in her field of expertise....