Meet The New Pokémon Go - Pikmin Bloom

You're going to be hearing a lot more about Pikmin Bloom over the coming months - but is this app going to recreate Pokémon Go's success? It just might...

Pikmin Bloom New Pokemon Go
Does Pikmin have what it takes to start a craze? | © Niantic

Remember when Pokémon Go blew up? Of course, you do, it was everywhere, you couldn't escape it. Not that you'd want to either, it was an exciting idea - and who can complain at a video game that makes people happier and healthier?

But we've been there and done that as a culture, so a lot of you probably saw this headline and wondered whether we need to do it all over again. Well the creators of Pikmin Bloom seem to think so. Their new game is available on the App Store and Google Play Store as of today (October 27, 2021, at the time of writing). So what's it all about? And how is Pikmin Bloom not just a Pokémon Go ripoff?

What Is Pikmin Bloom?

Pikmin Bloom is a new mobile game that sees players "planting" Pikmin (the creature in the above image) and walking around to "feed" them. When the Pikmin hatch you can see them around your town thanks to augmented reality. But unlike other games that have tried to emulate the success of Pokémon Go, in Pikmin there's a real emphasis on the game also serving as a kind of pet simulator (maybe Tamagotchi is a closer analogy?).

The game is a close collaboration between Niantic and Nintendo, and so you can expect lots of classic Nintendo features; you're avatar in-game is a Mii for instance. Niantic has tried to create other Pokémon Go-like games in the past but they've all failed. They've tried a Harry Potter game, and even a Catan game, that rewards real-world movement with in-game bonuses. What those games have lacked though, is the responsibility of caring for something. Hence Pikmin might have better success.

Is Pikmin Bloom Free?

Here's the good news you were all waiting for: Pikmin Bloom is free to download on IOS and Android. There are in-app purchases, obviously, and these bonuses will effectively mean you have to walk less to gain more. We've heard troubling reports that the game will eventually force you to download Google Fit to keep playing if you're on Android, but on IOS at least it seems like it was a smooth, bug-free launch.

If you get Pikmin Bloom and you love it then all power to you, but to this observer at least, it's a touch too similar to Pokémon Go

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....