Is The Finals Doomed? Players Keep Demanding Nerfs

The Finals has become one of the biggest free-to-play shooter games out there, but the community isn't all too happy with the current balance of the game.

What is the finals shooter
The Finals has players whining over another OP item. | © Embark Studios

In December, The Finals finally hit live servers for everyone with high praise and positive reviews. Unfortunately, a couple of items in the game have ruined some of the fun for players, and the community has not been shy about wanting nerfs.

Recently, another item which has been dubbed as overpowered has come to light and the community is calling on an immediate nerf. So, which item is everyone so pissed off about this time? Of course, none other than the defibrillators.

The Finals Players Want Defibrillator Nerfs

The Finals Header
Who else is annoyed by the defibrillators? | © Embark Studios

At first the community was up-in-arms over grenades, now it's the defibrillators which have sparked controversy on Reddit. What makes this item so OP though and annoying to play against? Well, the fact that players, after being revived, are invincible for a short amount of time is what has the community so mad.

Players feel that going for a risky play to revive someone is far too safe and that it should be more punishable. Hitting freshly revived players deals no damage to them, which has many quite frustrated with how easy it is for players to make tactical plays by wanting to get killed and revived.

For example, what has some frustrated is the fact that the recently revived player could just stand in front of their teammate, acting as a shield and not taking any damage at all.

There is only *one* thing in this game that I believe actually deserves a nerf. by u/Soracaz in thefinals

Some players have also brought some suggestions to the discussion of how they would change the reviving mechanic of the defibrillator, with one player suggesting that the revived player gets to come back to life with full HP, but does not have the invincibility. This would mean they can still get away from the action without being downed right away again after being revived.

The post has gone viral, so we will see whether the devs do make some adjustments to the defibrillators in the game. Until then you'll just have to deal with the way the mechanic works and try to play around it.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....