Grenade fixes in latest CS:GO update

He grenade
HE grenades should be more useful after this update. (Image credit: ESEA)

CS:GO updates are becoming a weekly thing in recent times. Whether it’s the coronavirus boring Valve developers to death or Valorant peeking around the corner and trying to lure CS:GO kids away, we can’t tell, but patch notes are coming in bunches. The latest release focuses on some gameplay fixes, mostly centered around grenade interaction.

The nade patch

It’s funny and sad at the same time when you realize stuff like this hasn’t been fixed like, years ago, but here we are. Valve finally did something about HE grenades being completely nullified by the most minor of obstacles. Allegedly, now your nades should deal damage “more reliably” when confronted with something like a stair or a wooden stick. Another “reliability” fix is the ability to pick up weapons with grenades lying nearby.

Pure servers were the other notable focus of this CS:GO update. Valve’s previous attempt to improve the game came unstuck when many players started receiving pure server errors in matchmaking. A week after the unfortunate update, the developer has supposedly fixed the problem and pure servers should detect third-party files much more, ahem, reliably from now on.

A few cosmetic changes were made as well, but you could see those for yourself in the full CS:GO patch notes:


  • Improved reliability of picking up weapons with +use when nearby dropped grenades are present. (Thanks birkir!)
  • Explosive grenade damage around small obstacles such as stairs will now apply damage to players more reliably.
  • Hostages will no longer obscure flashbang traces, allowing players behind them to be blinded.
  • Players that start the round with a taser and no pistol no longer have their taser deleted, and rechargeable tasers are now recharged at round start.
  • Fixed Danger Zone piloted drone self-destruct timer resetting due to zone damage or repeated player input.


  • Added a setting sv_pure_allow_loose_file_loads for game servers to control whether third-party files can be loaded by clients. Users are allowed to have third-party files on disk, but the files will be ignored when playing on such pure game servers. If users already loaded third-party files into game memory, then their game client must be restarted in order to connect to such pure game servers.
  • Added a setting sv_pure_allow_missing_files for game servers to control what happens to clients that load files missing on the game server. When disabled, if a connected player loaded third-party files into game memory that game server is missing, the player will be kicked.
  • Added a message explaining to the client which file mismatched the pure server configuration and caused a user disconnect.


  • Improved loadout animations in buy menu for several agents and weapon combinations.
  • Fixed certain game instructor hints displaying incorrect key bindings in certain languages (e.g. “sfrutteranno” in Italian).
  • Added a setting con_allownotify to allow hiding top-right corner notifications if “Overflowed CClientRenderablesList” notification appears in 21:9 resolutions.

Valve’s new update release schedule is music to our ears and even with a hiccup here or there, such as the pure servers inconvenience, we welcome this change with open arms.