Once Human Forsaken Giant Pro Mode Solo Tips & Tricks: How To Beat

This guide shares tips and tricks for defeating the Forsaken Giant boss in Pro Mode as a Solo in Once, Human.

Once Human Forsaken Giant Boss Guide
Here's a how to beat Forsaken Giant boss guide. | © NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The Forsaken Giant boss is finally here, and with that, we finally have access to the Pro Mode in Once Human. The Forsaken Giant is one of the Monolith Bosses in the game that resides in the Red Sands region of Nalcott Island and is, at the moment, one of the most difficult bosses in the game.

While most of the Monolith bosses in Once Human have become a test dummy to check the DPS of the different builds, the Forsaken Giant is mechanically different, as the boss has different phases that you cannot skip, no matter how good your build is.

That said, defeating the Forsaken Giant with a team is difficult as the boss has many attacks that can easily break your armor and even one shot you, and in Pro Mode Solo run, it becomes even more challenging.

In the wake of that, based on my Solo Pro Mode Forsaken Giant boss runs, I have prepared this detailed guide sharing tips and tricks to defeating the Forsaken Giant boss in Once Human.

How To Beat Forsaken Giant Boss In Pro Mode In Once Human

Once Human Forsaken Giant Boss Weakspots Marked
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

To beat the Forsaken Giant boss in Once Human, you must attack the glowing weak spots until the boss's HP is zero. If you attack any other parts of the body or the weak spots when they are not glowing, you will deal little to no damage.

Now that is just the basics that you might have already come to know if you faced the boss at least once. To make things easier for players, I have marked the Forsaken Giant's all six weak spots:

  1. Left biceps long head
  2. Right biceps long head
  3. Stomach
  4. Left palm
  5. Right palm
  6. Face

That being out of the way, the next important thing you must know is about the boss arena, which is divided into three sections that you can identify using the parallel wooden line on the ground.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Arena Sections
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

When you arrive at the boss arena, the Forsaken Giant will not attack you until you attack first. So, as soon as you spawn, head to the leftmost part of the arena.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Long head muscle
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

Shoot on the left biceps long head muscle, and the weak spot will start glowing as the Forsaken Giant prepares a hand slam attack that leaves an AoE wave damage that you can jump or avoid by staying on the leftmost side.

It is a guaranteed attack, and thus, just follow the above steps, and you will easily get through the first phase of the boss. Once you deal enough damage to the weak spot, the next weak spot to glow will be one of the palms.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Hand Slam Left Joined Hands
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

Now is the time to run! When the palm's weak spot starts to glow, it means the Forsaken Giant will perform a wide swipe attack.

  • Left palm glowing: Swipe attack will come from left to right side of the arena
  • Right palm glowing: Swipe attack will come from the right to the left side of the arena

Depending on which palm is glowing, you can either run to the opposite end of the arena to avoid it or tank it and heal. On that note, having the Festering Gel Deviant really comes in handy in this boss fight.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Hand Slam Left
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

You will have three opportunities to damage the palm's weak spot during the entire attack: first, when the palm starts to glow, second, when the wide swipe attack is coming towards you, and third, when the Forsaken Giant joins his hands.

I recommend either attacking during the second or third window, as running towards the opposite end of the arena when you see the weak spot should be the first priority.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Hand Slam Right
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

Once you have dealt enough damage and are past this attack, the Forsaken Giant may hold his belly or cry. When he is crying, attack the weak spot on his head. When he holds his belly, use the flowers on the ground to attack his fist, opening the weak spot that you can then damage.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss crying
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

In the next phase, you will get the message "Warning! The Forsaken Giant is about to destroy the arena," and a red beam of light will start appearing on top of your head. Remember I told the boss arena has three sections.

Well! In this phase of the fight, you must stick to either the left or the right side; as soon as the red beam disappears, look on the top and when the Forsaken Giant is about to slam the ground, jump, or you will be hit by a quick AoE wave attack.

Each of the sections can take three slam attacks, where the section breaks on the third attack. So, make sure to move to the next section when the boss uses the same attack.

Amidst this, you must hit the weak spot and defeat the floater enemies and the elite enemy that the boss spawns. You can avoid the rest of the mobs, as the boss will kill them with his attacks.

Once Human Forsaken Giant boss Orb Attack
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

There are also the orb attacks that you can avoid while hitting the weak spots by moving towards any direction.

Some of the slam attacks are faster, and if you have good armour with consumables like Cloro-Armor or the Festering Gel Deviant, the boss fight becomes a lot easier.

If you are still struggling with the boss or need any help with your build or anything, just let me know in the comments, and I will try to help you out.

Hritwik Raj
Hritwik Raj