Once Human Legendary Katana: How To Get The Fabled Masamune

In this guide, I explain all possible ways of obtaining the Legendary Katana in Once Human.

Once Human Legendary Katana
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The Japanese Katana is one of the most sought-after weapons in almost any game that features melee combat—Once Human is no exception. The game offers a robust melee system and a Katana weapon.

That said, melee damage and builds perform better than the legendary ranged weapons, especially during the early to mid-game. So, if you want to roleplay as a samurai in Once Human, you may want to know how to get the Legendary Katana.

This is where my guide comes in handy as I share all possible ways of obtaining the Legendary Katana, The Fabled Masamune, in Once Human.

How To Get The Fabled Masamune In Once Human

Once Human Legendary Katana Obtained
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

In Once Human, you can get the Legendary Golden Katana, aka The Fabled Masamune, from the Wish Machine. However, at the time of writing, it is not currently available as one of the rewards.

But thankfully, you can still obtain the Legendary Katana by doing Securement Silos, especially the Securement Silo-Theta (Level 45), as I got The Fabled Masamune in just one Hard mode run.

Apart from that, you can also open the Weapon Crates in the high-level areas, which is Red Sands, at the moment, for a chance to obtain The Fabled Masamune Katana.

Once Human Legendary Katana Look
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

Though, if you ask me, I would rather recommend you farm the Securement Silo-Theta in Hard mode than go around the map and farm Weapon Crates.

During the beta stages, the Blueprint of the Katana was available via the Wish Machine. But, at the moment, I don't find it available in the Wish Machine. So, for now, acquiring it through activities and Weapon Crates is the only way.

Once Human The Fabled Masamune Legendary Katana Stats

Once Human Legendary Katana Stats
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

Here's a look at a Tier V, The Fabled Masamune Legendary Katana in Once Human:

  • Base DMG: 1046
  • Attack Speed: Middle
  • Attack Range: Middle
  • CRIT Rate: 5%
  • Weakspot DMG: 20%
  • CRIT DMG: 25%
  • When Weapon Durability is above 60%, for every 1% higher, Crit DMG +3%.
  • When Weapon Durability is below 40%, for every 1% lower, Attack -1%.
  • When dealing a quick attack after drawing weapon, Attack Multiplier +30% and guaranteed critical hit (ineffective against Meta-Humans). Can be triggered once every 15s.
  • If the quick attack hits, the enhancement effect will stay for 5s, but will decay over time.

Hritwik Raj
Hritwik Raj