How Likely Is A Second Season Of Parasyte: The Grey From Netflix?

Parasyte: The Grey is a new horror show from Netflix, produced in South Korea and based on the Japanese Manga Parasyte. We think it's quite likely that you can expect a second season, provided the show is popular, and here's why.

Parasyte The Grey Lee Jung hyun
Lee Jung-hyun was a formidble leader of the Team Grey task force. | © Netflix

Parasyte: The Grey is one of the best new shows on Netflix this month, and that's saying something (April has been surprisingly strong, especially since the release of Ripley).

If you've just finished the show, and you're desperate for more, don't worry, you're not alone. Luckily, we think there's a good chance we actually will get more Parasyte: The Grey from Netflix.

Prefer reading the original?

If you want to read the superb manga that Parasyte: The Grey is based on, you can find an excellent edition of Parasyte here . And if you're interested in checking out the first anime adaption, Parasyte Maxim , you can rent or buy it here .

Why We Could Get Even More Parasyte: The Grey

We are confident that if the first season of Parasyte: The Grey is popular, it will be recommissioned for subsequent seasons. This is based on the fact that Netflix are not classifying the show as a "limited series", and they have lots of untapped source material to work with.

Not Labelled As A "Limited Series"

The first point is easier to explain. A limited series is a type of show that is planned from the beginning to tell a whole story arc in a single run of episodes. Netflix, and other producers, will declare a show a limited series so that they can submit it to the "Limited or Anthology Series" awards category, as opposed to the far more competitive "Drama Series" category.

In the case of Parasyte: The Grey, it is simply being described by Netflix as a series and not a limited series, which means we cannot rule out the possibility of new seasons.

Parasyte The Grey Jeon So nee
Jeon So-nee was fantastic in the first season of Parasyte. | © Netflix

And the second reason should excite those who always like to "read the original".

The Netflix Show Doesn't Cover The Entire Manga

Parasyte: The Grey is only six episodes long, whereas the original manga ran for six years, covering ten volumes and spawning multiple tributes and spinoffs (Neo Parasyte m, Neo Parasyte f, and Parasyte Reversi). Obviously, it would be unfair and unrealistic to expect Netflix to be able to cover such a massive franchise in a mere six episodes, which is why we think they will extend the show to multiple seasons.

Of course, all of this depends on the popularity of the first season. Even if they can extend the show, they won't if it doesn't at least make the Top 10 list.

And there you have it, fellow fans of Parasyte: The Grey, that's why we think a second season is quite likely. Fingers crossed!

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....