Amazing Comeback Win for Misfits in LEC Week 7

Misfits Gaming turned what looked like a horrifying start into one of the best comeback victories the LEC has ever seen in their showdown against G2 Esports. With it, they keep pace with Fnatic and are now within touching distance of the top spot.

XL nears a historic first LEC playoff | © Riot Games

Week 7 of the LEC started on Friday, promising us two hyped showdowns among the top 4 teams. Fnatic took on Rogue to avenge their earlier loss, while Misfits Gaming faced off against G2 Esports in a bid to keep their second spot.

Excel Defeat MAD to Stay in Top 6

Excel Esports kicked off the day with a strong game against the struggling MAD Lions. XL Top laner Finn "Finn" Wiestål had a great start in the top lane and was instrumental in giving his team a small lead. A solid, easy to use team composition benefited the UK organization as it got a big fight 20 minutes in and took the first Baron. With it, Excel took over the map and scored a key win that keeps it within the playoff spots.

BDS Secure Victory Against Astralis

Team BDS delivered their trademark early game dominance against Astralis in the next game. Their early botlane focus resulted in a 6/0/2 Jinx for Matthew Charles "xMatty" Coombs and nearly 5K gold lead. Astralis found some great flanks, but BDS’ better macro resulted in a Baron. They took one inhibitor and despite nearly getting aced at the second one, remained in control to seize the clutch win.

No Upset for SK Gaming

Team Vitality had to sweat it against SK Gaming, falling behind in kills in the early on. However, their good map movements kept them ahead in gold and drakes, and as the mid-game went on SK were not able to find good fights.By the time they found a good fight 33 minutes in, their base was being destroyed by minions - and they were too late to get back.

Fnatic Claw at First Place

Fnatic took on Rogue in a clash of the titans. Elias "Upset" Lipp was the beneficiary of two early kills and quickly ramped up. Rogue initially kept up in gold, but after 16 minutes several catches by Fnatic made them surge ahead. The game was decided 29 minutes in as the teams clashed near the hextech soul. Fnatic got a clean ace and smashed through the Rogue base, taking the Nexus before all respawns arrived.

How Could G2 Lose?

Fans no doubt had high expectations for the closing game of the day, and it did not disappoint.G2 got a punishing early lead and 18 minutes in, nearly ended the game as they took two inhibitors before Misfits chased them away with four kills, several of which went to Vincent "Vetheo" Berrié’s Akali. Soon, Misfits’ Nexus was bared - but time after time, G2 came up short in their attacks. Their gold lead dwindled until a risky Baron 36 minutes in sealed their fate - they took it only to get chased down. From 10K gold down at 18 minutes in, Misfits Gaming came back to seize the win and left no doubt that they are one of the best LEC teams this split.

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The LEC continues on Saturday from 5 PM CET. Don’t miss it!