LoL: Floodgates Open For Influencer Teams After Insane Debut Split From DSG

After an insane debut split by DSG, many people are asking: will influencers be taking over the esports scene?

DSG Winners
DSG surprise many after insane debut split | © DSG

Famous streamer Jeremy "Disguised Toast" Wang has had quite the wild year in the esports world.

After creating an amateur esports team known as DSG in May, his team celebrated its first win at the NACL Summer Split, surprising many.

The NACL is the North American Challenger League - Riot's second-tier championship for LoL esports teams to compete in. DSG is basically only one step below the LCS after partaking in the NACL.

DSG brought on upcoming players that used to be in the sister teams for upcoming esports gamers of big esports teams, from C9, Golden Guardians and NRG Challengers.

These teams don't exist anymore, which is why DSG's new members switched over to their new team. This move followed multiple teams' decision to not be a part of the NACL anymore, after Riot did not agree to their proposal to ensure that the NACL remains a viable talent pipeline for North America. Once Riot issued their statement, over six teams left the NACL's.

The drop-out of so many teams due to financial reasons isn't the best sign for the future of League esports. But, it was the reason why DSG was able to enter the NACL.

Influencers Might Invade Esports

DSG's successful entrance at the NACL might be a sign for influencers that were waiting to see how successful an esports project could be, to do the same.

Disguised Toast isn't the only influencer to have expressed interest in joining the esports world: supposedly MrBeast, Tyler1, Ludwig Ahgren and Charles "MoistCr1TiKaL" White Jr. have all separately contemplated buying teams to join in LoL esports competitions.

Moist E Sports Team
Moist Esports Rocket League team has been quite successful as well | © Moist Esports

Last year, MrBeast announced his plans to buy an esports team, though he also added, that it might take two years until he would actually be able to buy one. So maybe we'll see a MrBeast team at LCS next year?

MoistCr1TiKaL and Ludwig Ahgren already co-own Moist Esports (along with several others), which has teams competing in Rocket League, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Brawlhalla, and other video games. So what's to stop them from founding a new League team

The Future of Esports

If you're thinking Disguised Toast founded his esports team to make profit off of it, think again. Apparently he even lost quite a big sum of money because of DSG. Around 1 million dollars – now that doesn't sound too lucrative to me, but what do I know about big sums of money?

Honestly, it seems as though influencers are looking for a new passion project to invest in, at least for most of them.

Does this mean, that esports will still be viable in the future? Perhaps, the introduction of Content Creators will ensure that esports won't die out due to missing financial means.

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...