Korean YouTuber Jayletitgo Kidnapped In India

A Korean travel YouTuber was kidnapped while cycling through India.

Korean YouTuber jayletitgo was kidnapped for 30 hours. | © jayletitgo

Despite wandering into dangerous areas and being woefully unprepared, travel YouTubers often (somehow) make it out in one piece. But this kind of slum tourism is rarely safe.

And one Korean YouTuber just found out the hard way, after being kidnapped for 30 hours!

Streamer Held For 30 Hours In Captivity

YouTuber Jay, aka jayletitgo, was recently travelling through India.

Since public transport is limited, he decided he would try to cycle through the Leh region of India instead. Which turned out to be a stupid idea.

Along the way, Jay was happy to see a truck stop for him, offering him a lift. He got in, gratefully, and then fell asleep...

When he came to, he was in an unknown location, where three men demanded his money, his phone, and his camera. Jay was luckily smart enough to ask them to drive to the nearest town, where he would take cash out of his bank account.

As they drove, Jay finally had some service on his phone and managed to contact a friend of his, sending pictures from inside the truck and the three men.

The kidnappers then drugged Jay, and he couldn't remember much after that.

After he finally woke up, he had enough service to send his location to his friend. The three men learned of his messages and dumped him on the side of the road.

Jay of course went to the local authorities. And the police managed to catch the men responsible, who at first denied all the allegations against them. But, the policemen were eventually able to beat a confession out of the ruffians:

[The police] really tried to beat up those three people [the kidnappers] in front of me. In front of me, the criminals started crying and kept telling me that they were sorry.

So, Jay managed to get out of the situation unscathed, and we wish him all the best for his future travels.

Benedikt Ostertag

Benedikt is one of our new writers here at EarlyGame. He makes music and loves playing video games. His favorite games include Super Smash Bros, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring and League of Legends. His other great passion is anime, which he also loves to write about....