From Hot Mess To Cool Console: Dad's DIY Fix Saves Son's PS5 And $400

If you open your PlayStation for the first time after years of use, you might be greeted with a terrible sight.

Overheated ps5
That's something no one wants: An overheating console. | © OpenAI/EarlyGame

Some lessons are only learned by making mistakes. Or, by closely observing the mistakes of others. In today's episode of "I wish I had known this earlier," it's about caring for the PlayStation 5, a bunch of dog hair, and a father who saved a decent amount of money.

Father Opens PS5 In A Desperate Attempt To Repair It By Himself

This story should be a lesson for all of us. Because let's be honest: Who regularly cleans their home console? Hopefully this PlayStation player will going forward. On Reddit, the father of a PS5 owner posted a picture of the inside of the Sony console, and the sight is pretty unappetizing.

Son's ps5 kept overheating. They wanted $400 for out of warrenty repair. Took apart and found this clogging the air vents. by u/BigCoreyD in playstation

The photo shows the air vents of the PS5, which are heavily clogged with dog hair and dust. This led to the console overheating repeatedly. When the father wanted to have the console examined by experts, he immediately turned back, as they demanded $400 CAD for the repair. So, he had to do it himself and open the console to get to the bottom of the problem. After cleaning the console of dust, there were no more overheating issues.

Especially if you have pets that shed, you should regularly clean your consoles. What many people don't know is that opening the PS5 for cleaning does not void the warranty, as long as you don't break anything in the process.

Wanna clean your console?

For opening consoles, you'll need specific screwdrivers suitable for very small screws. These are inexpensive and save you a trip to Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft support.

Since the PS4 Pro, there are no warranty stickers on the consoles that you could damage by simply opening the console. However, you should be careful not to damage the sticker with the serial number on the bottom, as this would indeed void the warranty. Also, you should not remove the tamper evidence seal inside the console, but you don't need to if you just want to dust the inside of the PlayStation.

Take good care of your valuable consoles, and you should avoid a lot of trouble.

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....