League of Legends Patch 14.15 Preview: All Buffs & Nerfs

Another Patch and more changes are heading our way. While LoL Patch 14.14 is a huge success, there are some major balance changes Riot is adding, as well as big Arena adjustments. So let's check out what's new on Summoner's Rift for LoL Patch 14.15.

Primordian Briar
LoL Patch 14.15: Briar's Primordian skin is going to be released soon. | © Riot Games

League of Legends is continuously evolving with brand-new balance changes and adjustments. So, even if there was a huge splash made by LoL Patch 14.14, for the next patch there are already some planned major updates to the game.

Swarm is a huge success and popular, but there is still a large portion of the player base who are grinidng the ranked ladder. Let's go over all the changes these players will experience on Summoner's Rift... oh, and what skins we're getting because you have to look good while making it out of Silver, right?

LoL Patch 14.15: All Buffs & Nerfs

Champion Adjustments

Inkshadow Yone
Yone is receiving a lot of buffs in this League of Legends patch. | © Riot Games

First, we're going to be checking out some champion adjustments Riot is making in LoL Patch 14.15. Some of the most popular assassins are getting adjusted, as well as the wind brothers. Is this going to improve them or make them even worse?


W – Twilight Shroud
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds flat >>> 20–16
R – Perfect Execution
  • Cooldown: 100–60 seconds >>> 120–60
  • [R1] Damage: 80–360 >>>110–330
  • [R2] Damage: 60–200 >>> 70–210


Base Stats
  • Base Mana: 350 >>> 400
  • Mana Growth: 60 >>> 40
Q – Noxious Blast
  • Mana Cost: 50–90 >>> 50–70
  • AP Ratio: 90% >>> 80%
W – Miasma
  • Mana Cost: 70–110 >>> 70–90
E – Twin Fang
  • Mana Cost: 50–42 >>> 40 flat


Porcelain Irelia
Some Irelia adjustments are also coming to League. | © Riot Games
Base Stats
  • Base Health: 591 >>> 630
  • Health Regen: 8.5 >>> 6
P – Ionian Frevor
  • Duration: 6 >>> 5


Base Stats
  • Health Grwoth: 105 >>>110
  • Armor Growth: 4.8 >>> 5
Q – Shattered Earth / Upheaval
  • Mana Cost: 50 >>> 40
E – Ixtal's Impact
  • Backwards kidnap removed


Ashe Knight Sylas splash
Sylas adjustments incoming! | © Riot Games
Q – Chaion Slash
  • Cooldown: 11–7s >>> 10–6s
  • Explosion Damage:
    • Base: 70-290 --> 60-260
    • AP scaling: 90% --> 80%
    • Minion modifier: x0.4 (unchanged)
W – Kingslayer
  • AP Scaling: 80% >>> 70%
  • Healing:
    • AP Ratio: 35% --> 20%
    • [NEW] Also scales with +5% bHP
    • These values still scale up to x2.0 at 60% missing health (70% --> 40% AP, +10% bHP
E – Abscond / Abduct
  • E2 AP Ratio: 100% >>> 80%


Q – Mortal Steel
  • Base Damage: 20–100 >>> 20–120
R – Fate Sealed
  • Cooldown: 120–60s >>> 120–80s


Q – Razor Shuriken
  • Base Damage: 80–220 >>> 80–240
  • Bonus AD Ratio: 110% >>> 100%
E – Shadow Slash
  • Base Damage: 65–165 >>> 60–180
  • Bonus AD ratio increased from 65% >>> 80%
  • Cooldown: 5–3 seconds >>> 4 flat
  • Energy Cost: 40 >>> 50
R – Death Mark
  • Cooldown: 120–80 >>> 120–100

Champion Buffs


Seelenblumen Yasuo
Yasuo changes are always nice. | © Riot Games
Base Stats
  • Armor: 30 >>> 32
E – Sweeping Blade
  • Base damage: 60/70/80/90/100 >>> 70/85/100/115/130
  • Bonus damage per Ride the Wind stack: 15-25% (based on levels 1-18) >>> 25% flat (60-100% (based on levels 1-18) >>> 100% flat at max stacks)


Base Stats
  • AD: 57 >>> 59
P – Living Vengeance
  • Bonus Attack Speed from non-champion kill:10% flat >>> 10/20/30% (based on levels 1/7/13)
  • Bonus Attack Speed from champion takedown: 40% >>> 50%
  • Bonus AD and AP from champion takedown bonus Attack Speed ratio: 15% >>> 25%
  • Attack Speed cap on champion takedown: 2.7632 >>> 3 (no longer only accommodates bonus Attack Speed from champion takedown)
W – Blighted Quiver
  • [W – P] On-Hit Damage: 7/14/21/28/35 >>> 5/10/15/20/25


Q – Noxian Diplomacy
  • [NEW] Always dash toward his target

Champion Nerfs

There are a total of five champion nerfs in LoL Patch 14.15. These are for multiple champions so let's check out who is getting the nerf hammer in this patch.

Aurelion Sol

Q – Breath of Light
  • Damage per tick AP ratio: 6.875% >>> 6.25% (55% >>> 50% per second)
  • Burst bonus damage: 55/65/75/85/95 (+30% AP) (+3.1% per 100 Stardust target's max HP) >>> 55/60/65/70/75 (+25% AP) (+12% Stardust) (+3% per 100 Stardust target's max HP)
E – Singularity
  • Mana Cost: 80 >>> 90
  • Now grants 1 extra Stardust stack if at least 4 enemies die within it


Battle Bunny Aurora
Aurora is already getting nerfed. | © Riot Games
P – Spirit Abjuration - Realm Hopper
  • Bonus Move Speed: 5-10% (based on levels 1-18)(+3% per 100 AP) (+5% per active Spirit (capped at 4)) >>> 5-8.6% (based on levels 1-18) (+3% per 100 AP) (+2% (+3% per 100 AP) per active Spirit (capped at 4))
Q2 – Twofold Hex
  • Recast cooldown reduced
  • Can no longer miss its original target
W – Across the Veil
  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
  • Invisibility breaking on auto attacks now happens on launch attack instead of pre-attack, so you won't accidentally break invisibility by starting and cancelling an attack
E – The Weirding
  • Jump-back Distance: 800 >>> 150 (+200% Move Speed) (should be quicker as the game goes on and during [P] Spirit Abjuration - Realm Hopper)
  • Now has a manual spell buffering system during the jump like [W] Across the Veil
R – Between Worlds
  • Damage: 250/375/500 (+65% AP) >>> 200/325/450 (+60% AP)
  • Now has a manual spell buffering system during the jump like [W] Across the Veil
  • No longer locks camera on using the warp


Q – Mystic Shot
  • AD Ratio: 140% >>> 130%


P – Sunlight
  • Damage: 32-168 (based on levels 1-18, linear) >>> 32-151 (based on levels 1-18, linear)
W – Eclipse
  • Damage: 55/90/125/160/195 >>> 55/85/115/145/175


E – Flame Breath
  • Base damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% total AD) (+90% AP) >>> 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% bonus AD) (+80% AP)
  • [R-E] Dragon Form bonus explosion damage: 75-135 (based on levels 6-18, linear) (+30% total AD) (+30% AP) >>> 75-135 (based on levels 6-18, linear) (+50% bonus AD) (+20% AP)
  • [R-E] Dragon Form scorched field damage per tick AD ratio: 5% total AD >>> 15% bonus AD (40% total AD >>> 120% bonus AD total)

System Buffs & Nerfs In LoL Patch 14.15

Not only is Riot going to be adjusting champions, items are also being looked into. It seems like a lot of changes to boots are coming our way, as well as some other item adjustments that could shake up the meta quite a bit. So let's check out all system changes Riot is planning for LoL Patch 14.15.

System Buffs

Mundo Mundo rework skin
Some MR item buffs. | © Riot Games
  • Abyssal Mask
    • Cost: 2300 >>> 2500
    • Aura Radius: 600 >>> 700
    • Magic Resist Reduction: 20% >>> 30%
  • Dark Harvest
    • Cooldown: 40 >>> 35
    • Takedown Cooldown: 1.5s >>> 1.25
  • Horizon Focus
    • AP: 90 >>> 95
  • Cosmic Drive
    • HP: 250 >>> 350
    • Spelldance bonus Move Speed: 25-60 (based on levels 1-18, linear) >>> 40-60 (based on levels 8-18, linear)
  • Hextech Rocketbelt
    • HP: 300 >>> 400
  • Stormsurge
    • Stormraider bonus Move Speed: 25% >>> 35%
    • Squall ranged damage: (140/105) (+20/15% AP) (melee/ranged) >>> (140/112) (+20/16% AP) (melee/ranged)
  • Void Staff
    • AP: 90 >>> 95
  • Death's Dance
    • Armor: 40 >>> 50

System Nerfs

Fright night draven
Some ADC Adjustments in terms of itemization is also on the list. | © Riot Games
  • Kraken Slayer (Ranged)
    • Move Speed: 7% >>> 5%
    • Bring It Down bonus physical damage for ranged champions: 100% >>> 80%
  • Lord Dominik's Regards
    • Armor Penetration: 40% >>> 35%
  • Mortal Reminder
    • AD: 40 >>> 35
  • Statikk Shiv
    • Move Speed: 7% >>> 5%
    • Cost: 2800 >>> 2900 gold

Not only that, but Riot Phroxzon has outlined how the team wants to nerf boots altogether, since they seem to be too good in high elo, while weaker in low elo. The team wants to close this gap.

We want to reduce the potency of all boots, make early MR components weaker as Mercs is disproportionately strong relative to other options (and therefore buffing the relative value of HP in these cases that are more available to tanks and fighters).
  • Plated Steelcaps
    • Cost:1000 >>>1200
  • Boots of Swiftness
    • Cost: 900 >>> 1000
  • Berserker's Greaves
    • Attack Speed: 35% >>> 30%
  • Sorcerer's Shoes
    • Magic Penetration: 18 >>> 15
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
    • Cost: 900 >>> 1000
    • Summoner Spell Haste: 12 >>>10
  • Mercury Treads
    • Cost:1100 >>>1200
    • Magic Resist: 25 >>> 20

System Adjustments

  • Fleet Footwork
    • Healing: 8-110 (based on levels 1-18, linear) >>> 5-120 (based on levels 1-18, stat progression multiplier)
  • Null-Magic Mantle
    • Cost: 450 >>> 400
    • MR: 25 >>> 20
  • Wit's End
    • Dagger Replaced by Recurve Bow in recipe (cost unchanged)
    • On-hit damage:15–80 (weird scaling) to 40–80 (linear)
      • Buff until lvl 13 then it's a nerf until 18

Anima Squad Skins LoL Patch 14.15

Battle Wolf Yasuo
Yasuo's Battle Wolf skin is actually pretty dope. | © Riot Games

The first batch of Anima Squad skins was released in LoL Patch 14.14. The second batch is coming in Patch 14.15. Aatrox will be getting his legendary skin, and Leona will also have a prestige skin added to her long list of skins. It's even her second prestige, can you believe how popular she is? Now Riot should finally improve her old model....

  • Primordian Aatrox
  • Primordian Briar
  • Battle Wolf Yasuo
  • Battle Bear Illaoi
  • Battle Lion Leona
  • Battle Lion Leona Prestige Edition

These are the final skins being added to the game for the summer event. Honestly, the Illaoi skin looks amazing and she works so well in this universe. Who else needs to get a new skin in 2024?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....