LoL Patch 14.8: Mordekaiser Gets Insane Buff To His Ultimate In Time For MSI

LoL Patch 14.8 is the big Mid-Season Invitational patch that the tournament will be played on. Riot is making some huge changes and one that could be meta-defining for Mordekaiser.

Dragon knight Mordekaiser
LoL Patch 14.8: Mordekaiser is going to be so good. | © Riot Games

Riot is cooking up something big for Mid-Season Invitational fans. The next League of Legends patch is going to be the one the tournament is played on, which means there are quite a few changes coming to shake up the meta and to make the tournament interesting.

A boat load of champions are getting buffs in LoL Patch 14.8, but there is one change that stood out to the community right away and that is what Riot is planning to do with Mordekaiser's ultimate.

LoL Patch 14.8: Mordekaiser Ult Will Get Major Change

Dark star mordekaiser
Mordekaiser won't let you escape. | © Riot Games

Mordekaiser is one of those champions that seems to dominate in the lower MMR brackets, but has a tough time in pro-play. Why? Because there are a lot of ways to counter the big top laner and one of those is how players are able to avoid getting sent to Brazil with his ult.

So, Riot have decided to make it a little tougher to go up against Mordekaiser, by making his ult not QSS-able. What does this mean? Well, until now players have been able to buy the item Quicksilver Sash which has an active that removes any and all crowd control debuffs.

This item, until now, was able to also negate Mordekaiser ultimate. Lead Gameplay Designer, Riot Phroxzon, explained that until now this was done to prevent Morde from being completely broken in professional play.

This change was originally done to prevent Morde from becoming a Pro staple. As time has gone on, he has too much counterplay in especially the higher ranks and experimentally, if you're picking Morde, you want this portion of his kit to be effective.

But starting in LoL Patch 14.8, players will not be able to QSS the ult anymore, meaning there is no way to avoid Mordekaiser and a trip to the nether world for a few seconds where players will have to fight for their lives.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....