FIFA 22: New International Break Marquee Matchups SBC Cheapest Solution

In FIFA 22, we've just got a new SBC for Ultimate Team, but is the challenge worth it? And how many coins do you have to spend? Let's have a look...

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Marquee Matchups SBC Guide
World cup who? | © EA Sports / EarlyGame

Finally, weekend is just around the corner and with it, we obviously get a new Marquee Matchups SBC in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team – Hurray! If you don't really care about the Weekend League grind and just want to improve your squad with some amazing Fantasy FUT players, you're definitely in for a good time!

Speaking of a good time, the next FUT event is always right around the corner... but we have a separate article for that. Here, it's all about this week's Marquee Matchups SBC! Let's take a closer look at the new challenge.

Marquee Matchups SBC Summary

As always, the challenge will be available for exactly one week, it expires on March 31. This time, we're not only getting a few decent FUT packs for a small price, but also some really exciting games on the weekend! Unfortunately not in the European leagues, but international matches! We all do love them, right? Well, at least the SBC gives us another great deal

TeamsPrice RangeRewards
Egypt vs Senegal5,3K-5,7KPremium Electrum Players Pack
Mexico vs USA7,5K-7,7KJumbo Premium Gold Pack
Brazil vs Chile


Small Rare Gold Players Pack
Portugal vs Turkey8,6K-9,2KRare Mixed Players Pack
Completed Challenge29K-30KMega Pack

Week in, week out, the Marquee Matchups SBC is always just so damn valuable. You'll have to pay about 30K coins this week – assuming you buy all the players on the transfer market – but you already get back double the amount in packs through the individual challenges alone. So, what are you waiting for? There's no easier FUT trading tip out there! Just do it!

Is The Marquee Matchups SBC In FIFA 22 Worth It?

The Marquee Matchups SBC in FUT is actually always worth it! If you play FIFA free-to-play and don't complete this challenge every week, then you are definitely doing something wrong. Actually, it's pretty difficult to find any arguments against this particular SBC – except maybe that you need some pack luck to make a huge profit.

Pro Marquee Matchup SBCCon Marquee Matchup SBC
  • damn good value
  • decent Packs
  • easy to complete
  • nothing to see here

Marquee Matchups SBC Cheapest Solution & Rewards

What is the cheapest way to complete the Marquee Matchups SBC? If we show you the cheapest solution, it means that the challenge is really worth it! But even with average SBCs, you should know how to get the cheapest deal. So let's take a look at the teams you have to swap for this challenge:

Egypt vs Senegal SBC Cheapest Solution [Premium Electrum Players Pack]

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Marquee Matchups SBC Guide
Egypt vs Senegal... or just Salah vs. Mane. | © Futbin

Team 1 SBC Requirements

  • Players from Egypt or Senegal: Min. 1
  • Clubs: Min. 5
  • Same Nation Count: Max. 4
  • Squad Rating: Min. 75
  • Team Chemistry: Min. 70

Mexico vs USA SBC Cheapest Solution [Jumbo Premium Gold Pack]

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Marquee Matchups SBC Guide
Mexico vs USA is always a pretty decent watch! | © Futbin

Team 2 SBC Requirements

  • Players from Mexico or USA: Min. 1
  • Leagues: Min. 3
  • Nationalities: Min. 6
  • Squad Rating: Min. 77
  • Team Chemistry: Min. 75


Brazil vs Chile SBC Cheapest Solution [Small Rare Gold Players Pack]

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Marquee Matchups SBC Guide
Definitely Brazil, right? | © Futbin

Team 3 SBC Requirements

  • Players from Brazil or Chile: Min. 2
  • Leagues: Max. 4
  • Clubs: Min. 6
  • Same Club Count: Min. 3
  • Squad Rating: Min. 79
  • Team Chemistry: Min. 80

Portugal vs Turkey SBC Cheapest Solution [Rare Mixed Players Pack]

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Marquee Matchups SBC Guide
Late drama... we love it! | © Futbin

Team 4 SBC Requirements

  • Players from Portugal or Turkey: Min. 2
  • Same Club Count: Max. 4
  • Same Nation Count: Min. 3
  • Rare: Min. 1
  • Squad Rating: Min. 81
  • Team Chemistry: Min. 85

SBCs are extremely popular in FUT. You shouldn't miss out on these Challenges:

Marco Kilian

Marco was a Content Writer at EarlyGame, covering all things FIFA and Rocket League....