Two Versions of Gotham Knights Have Been Cancelled

Gotham Knights is no longer coming to the PS4 and the Xbox One. Here's why.

Gotham knights
No Red Hood for the last gen consoles... | © Gotham Knighhts

Need for Speed did it, and now Gotham Knights is doing the same: Gotham Knights will not release on PS4 and Xbox One. I love it. Why? Because it's about time we start treating the new consoles like new consoles. What was the point in shelling out $500 if every game is going to be released for the old systems anyway? I'm not trying to sound snobbish, but the fact of the matter is that these old systems hold games back. So, at least with Gotham Knights, that will not be the case.

Gotham Knight Will not Release on PS4, Xbox One

The reason given by the devs was simply that the game is not coming to the older systems, to "provide players with the best possible gameplay experience." Damn right. It's about time a publisher admits that a game trying to run on systems that are 10 years old, will not be optimized for systems that are brand new. Certainly, this will not help Gotham Knights sell more, but it will make the game that much better.

As far as the release date goes, this changes nothing, Gotham Knight will still release on October 25, for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and the PC. A new gameplay demo was also revealed, and it gave us a solid look at Nightwing and Red Hood. In the video, we see the traversal mechanics, how gear works, and some combat. But... don't read me describing it, you're better of just watching it for yourself:

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....