YouTube Tests New Factchecking Feature To Fight Misinformation

YouTube is testing out a new feature to help prevent the spread of misinformation.

A new feature on YouTube should help against the spreading of misinformation. | © YouTube

Misinformation has been a big problem on the internet, especially in the last ten years now. Many social media platforms have already begun fighting this trend, but with limited success.

For example, Instagram started marking posts that label misinformation as such, during the Covid-19 crisis.

Now, YouTube is testing out their new feature that should help to combat fake news.

Misinformation Vs. Community-Notes

So the great new weapon in YouTube's arsenal to fight fake news is a note system. Users will be able to submit notes under videos, pointing out some wrong or missing information.

Other users can then deem the note as “helpful”, “somewhat helpful”, or “unhelpful”. When a note is deemed helpful by many users, YouTube will highlight that note underneath the video.

The important thing when writing these notes will be to add sources. Without a source, the note won't be highlighted as likely as one with a source.

Right now, only a select few users are able to write these notes during the test phase. YouTube will contact these people directly and give them invitations to the test program.

This system is not an entirely new idea. X is already doing a similar thing with their Community Notes. It definitely had a positive impact on the fight against fake news on the platform.

What do you think? Will this system help YouTube?

Let us know in the comments!

Benedikt Ostertag

Benedikt is one of our new writers here at EarlyGame. He makes music and loves playing video games. His favorite games include Super Smash Bros, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring and League of Legends. His other great passion is anime, which he also loves to write about....