Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron: Loot, Boss Mechanic and More

Genshin Impact 4.0 released two new bosses, one of them being the Emperor of Fire and Iron. Fans who have pulled Lyney will have to get to know this aggressive crab better, since he gives you Ascension Materials for him. Here is everything you need to know.

Genshin Crab Boss
Genshin Impact's Emperor of Fire and Iron is mighty!│@HoYoverse

Genshin Impact 4.0 came with two new bosses: we got the Icewind Suite and the Emperor of Fire and Iron. To find the giant, aggressive crab lord, get to the southernmost teleportation point of the West Slopes of Mont Automnequi. Then dive deep into the water and swim left until you find a hole in the ground, which will lead you to the underground teleportation point. Now you are all set to make Galette De Crabe out of him!

Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron: Game Mechanics

The boss' element is Pyro and his main defense is a shield that you'll have to break before you can properly harm him first. You can do this by attacking his Pyro horns, preferably with Hydro. Punch the horns until he is stunned. Just remember, he loves throwing himself at people, so if you see a red circle forming on the ground and the boss is suspiciously nowhere to be seen, dodge! There will be crystals you can pick up to shield yourself, if you then just run in circles around him and hit where the sun doesn't shine, you should me fine.

His first special attack shoots fireballs up to three times in a huge AoE, it's a bit hard to dodge! You will see spots on the floor.

The second special attack is a linear Pyro/Lava field, which is actually really easy to dodge. Matter of fact, if you manage to stay behind him at all times, you might not even have to dodge.

That's it. You might have to break the shield 1 or 2 times more but other than that he is really simple to play, a lot less fuss than with the Icewind Suite.

Genshin Impact Emperor of Fire and Iron: Loot and Fit Characters

At this moment in time, we don't have that many characters that benefit from his drops, since only Lyney needs it to level up his at the moment. Here is a small list of all the items that you can get from this boss fight.

Lone Suzerain of Land and Sea
  • Emperor's Resolution
  • Agnidus Agate Sliver/Fragment/Chunk/Gemstone (Pyro)
  • 3* Artifact: Adventurer
  • 3*&4* Artifacts: Berserker, Instructor, Prayers for Illumination
  • 4*&5* Artifacts: Gladiator's Finale, Wanderer's Troupe

Elif Koca
Elif Koca