Bethesda Sunsetting Launcher

Bethesda is moving its games back over to Steam. How will this impact your gameplay?

Fallout 76
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Back in 2016 Bethesda decided they were sick and tired of giving a 30% cut of sales to Valve just for using Steam. Instead, they decided to build their own launcher. Was the investment in the launcher worth it?

Well, now that Microsoft owns Bethesda — and much more in the gaming sector — some new decisions are being made and one of them is regarding the games' launcher.

Bethesda Is Moving Back to Steam

According to Bethesda, they’re dropping the Bethesda launcher by April 2022. This won’t mean that all your games are going to go away, though. No, you’ll be able to migrate your games over to Steam, so don’t worry.

Not only will the games be migrated, but Bethesda does state that players will also be able to migrate saves from one platform to the next. So, if you were worried about having to restart games, it seems like that won’t be a problem in April. Some games may still require manual transfers.

What Will Happen To Players Accounts?

For some games, you required a Bethesda account. Don’t worry, you will still be able to use your account to play the games. You’ll just be asked to log in in-game and on the Bethesda website. Future titles will also be supported through the accounts.

In a FAQ, Bethesda also writes that you’ll likely have to keep your Bethesda account since many services still rely on it, including game mods, in-game items like skins and access to exclusive news and updates.

If you’ve also got friends, then those will also be merged onto Steam. So don’t worry, you won’t feel like you’re friendless after the merge.

Whether this is due to Microsoft, or Bethesda just realizing that their launcher wasn’t what they’d hoped for, it’s interesting to see them move their games back over to Steam. Oh, and if you actually play Fallout 76, there is a whole FAQ to go over for you guys.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....