Will Kassadin Receive an ASU?

Kassadin was released back in 2009 and is in dire need of an update. Will he receive one?

Kassadin Splash Update
This splash art is 10/10 an improvement. | © Riot Games

Kassadin is getting a new splash art. He will be looking much better than the original and that simple splash art has the community up in arms. So many people have been hoping for some Void-related content and with each update, it seems that we’re inching closer to the inevitable – the Void taking over Runeterra.

So, what does all this have to do with a simple splash art being updated? Last winter, Goth Annie also got a new splash art, and we didn’t get an emo/goth event – but we are getting updated goth skins.

Will Kassadin Receive an ASU?

Kassadin was released all the way back on August 7, 2009. He is one of the oldest champions in the game, and he looks the part as well. He’s not the youngest on the rift anymore, and we can tell.

Therefore, fans and YouTubers alike have speculated whether he is going to be the surprise ASU or VGU of 2022. We know that Udyr will be receiving a visual and gameplay update, but Riot had also told us that there will be a second ‘surprise’ VGU they’ve been working on.

Why Do We Think the VGU or ASU Will be Kassadin?

With all the hype Riot has been building surrounding the Void, we’re pretty confident in saying that there is still going to be a bigger in-game event that is going to surround the region. Kassadin is one of the oldest void champions, even if he is originally from Shurima.

Either Cho’Gath or Kassadin make the most sense for the VGU and an ASU. Both are old and outdated champions and neither of them were on the list of VGU candidates in 2023 – unlike Kog’Maw.

Does His Updated Splash Art Mean Kassadin Will Receive an ASU?

To be honest, it would be more likely for Kassadin to receive an ASU than a VGU. Why do we believe this? Well, there still is no official release date for Udyr and his VGU, so releasing the mystery VGU before that of Udyr would feel… wrong.

Also, Cho’Gath does have more points speaking for him when it comes to him receiving a VGU in 2022. He’s clearly in need of a rework, since the only reason why players play him is to ‘get big’ – and please don't get us started on the lore... or lack thereof.

But we still haven’t answered the question at hand, will Kassadin receive an ASU? An art and sustainability update for Kassadin would definitely be welcomed by the community. He’s been a staple in the game for a long time and with the Void taking center stage, we do think that a visual improvement would be welcome.

Old Kassadin
This is the OG Kassadin Splash. | © Riot Games

More Reasons That Kassadin Will Receive an ASU

In the updated splash art, we can tell that his blade is a different shape from the original one. This could just be a stylistic difference of the artist, or could be a sign that his blade is going to be updated in-game as well.

His helmet still looks like that of Darth Vader, but is much more defined than before, which could also be an updated look in-game as well.

Unfortunately, this is all speculation right now, but we do think that Kassadin has some good chances of getting some updates and improvements coming soon. The Void will rise and Kassadin is going to be in the thick of it all.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....